I'm currently developing a Windows 8 Metro application (javascript) in Visual Studio 2012 for a public gallery competition entry which will run on a tablet PC. Ordinarily, I would never ask a question like this, but I've considered the application at length and this seems legitimate enough of a requirement. The application is simple in that it has three screens presented to the user:

  1. Call to Action
  2. User Details
  3. Thank you

Given that this application will need to run all day is straightforward enough, but stopping saavy passers-by from shutting down the application and opening Internet Explorer and leaving the tablet on a less than desirable webpage is something I don't want to be called about.

Of course I can set a Restricted Group Policy on Application Access but that doesn't stop users from pressing the Start button and suspending the application.

My question is this: Is it possible to implement a password dialog or specific keystroke combination that prevents the application from being suspending, gesture suspended or shut down which stops the user from accessing anything other than the intended application?


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