我正在为 ios 使用最新的 admob SDK(V 6.2.1)。ios6 上不显示广告并给出错误Request Error: No ad to show

即使测试模式设置为 YES 或 NO,这也只会在 ios 6 上发生。广告在低于 ios6 的版本上运行良好。有什么解决办法吗?


1 回答 1


Test mode doesn't work on iOS 6 devices as per this forum post.

If you want to get test ads to show up, you will have to use testDevices and pass in the ID you get from the AdSupport library (instructions here).

If you want to test your ad click flow though I'd take the forum post's suggestion and create a house ad campaign fully allocated to a test publisher ID, and use the test publisher ID into your applications to test.

于 2012-12-04T00:29:23.673 回答