I am updating an app (whose original deployment target was 3.1.2) and I'm trying test it on a 2nd generation iPod Touch with iOS 4.2.1. The current release of Xcode (4.5) no longer connects to any device before iOS 4.3, so I can't put the application over USB or even monitor the device log, so installation needs to be over the air using an ad hoc distribution.

I am able to wirelessly install the app on an iOS 6 iPod Touch, but when I try to install it on the 4.2.1 device, I see it download and I see the app label say "Installing...", but in the end I get the pop-up message Unable to Download "[app name]".

Three important details:

  1. The ad hoc cert I'm using is good.
  2. I've confirmed with the iPhone Configuration Utility that the ad hoc distribution certificate is installed on the 4.2.1 device.
  3. I'm worried that I may have used an SDK method or property that only works in 4.3+, though I do not know if any binary validation happens during installation.

Does anyone know what might be happening?

Does anyone know how I can read the device console for a pre-4.3 device without installing an earlier version of XCode?


1 回答 1



Xcode 4.5的发行说明This version of Xcode does not generate armv6 binaries.明确指出:由于第二代 Touches 是 armv6,这意味着您无法生成涵盖这些早期设备的通用二进制文件。如果您想支持它们,我认为您唯一的选择是将您的 Xcode 回滚到 4.4。下次我会更加小心地阅读发行说明。

如果有人知道任何其他方法可以在不降级 XCode 的情况下从“不受支持的”设备上获取控制台日志信息,请添加答案,我会将其标记为回答此问题。

于 2012-11-30T09:11:55.230 回答