When reading rabbitmq's rabbit.erl,it contain hipe compilation related code.
hipe_compile() ->
Count = length(?HIPE_WORTHY),
io:format("HiPE compiling: |~s|~n |",
[string:copies("-", Count)]),
T1 = erlang:now(),
PidMRefs = [spawn_monitor(fun () -> [begin
{ok, M} = hipe:c(M, [o3]),
end || M <- Ms]
end) ||
{'DOWN', MRef, process, _, normal} -> ok;
{'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Reason} -> exit(Reason)
end || {_Pid, MRef} <- PidMRefs],
T2 = erlang:now(),
io:format("|~n~nCompiled ~B modules in ~Bs~n",
[Count, timer:now_diff(T2, T1) div 1000000]).
But there is no explanation about hipe in the erlang's reference doc. What's the meaning of 'o3'
(emacs@chen-yumatoMacBook-Pro.local)51> hipe:c(xx_reader,[o3]).
After I use hipe:c as above, No new compiled file can be found the in the pwd() directory? Where it is?