I have an acceptance test case, the result is plain text. I want to use Jenkins to show the result, and the JUnit format is suitable for me.

So I want to check whether there is existing python code to generate JUnit-format XML, so that I can easily just add my parsing code.

Related question.


6 回答 6


上面的Corey 建议使用junitxml,但我和larrycai 在同一条船上,因为我没有编写单元测试来测试Python 代码。我正在编写 Python 脚本来进行黑盒系统测试,并且只想在 JUnit XML 中输出结果,而无需重新发明轮子。

我简要查看了上面 larrycai 建议的 David Black 的“python junit xml 输出模块”,但最终选择了另一个类似的包。不确定哪个更好,因为我只尝试过这个,但它最终对我来说效果很好。

仅相差一个字符,但封装为“junit-xml”: https ://pypi.python.org/pypi/junit-xml/1.0

当心...他的自述文件中的示例有错误并且不起作用。我在 github 上报告了错误(pypi 页面中包含 github 链接)。他的“prettyprint”arg 处理也有一个错误,但我会建议您参考我也在 github 上报告的问题 #3,其中包含了我的修复。如果您下载源代码,您可以查看他的 test.py 单元测试,但这也是我的测试脚本,我在其中测试/实验了几个示例(使用 Python 3.3):

#junit-xml 1.0 downloaded from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/junit-xml
from junit_xml import TestSuite, TestCase

#Good article that has examples of how Jenkins parses JUnit XML to display output:

#One version of JUnit XML schema: http://windyroad.org/dl/Open%20Source/JUnit.xsd

def testBasicToConsole():
    ''' Perform the very basic test with 1 suite and 1 test case, output to console.
        This is the example from the above referenced pypi webpage, but corrected to
        actually work.

    test_cases = [TestCase('Test1', 'some.class.name', 123.345, 'I am stdout!', 'I am stderr!')]
    ts = [TestSuite("my test suite", test_cases)]
    # pretty printing is on by default but can be disabled using prettyprint=False
    print(TestSuite.to_xml_string(ts, prettyprint=False))

def testBasicInfoToConsole():
    ''' Actually, even more basic than the test above, with classname, stdout, and stderror
        removed to demonstrate they are optional.  For system testing we often won't use them.
        Output to console.

    test_cases = [TestCase('PathCheck: ApplicationControl', '', .0523, '', '')]
    ts = [TestSuite("DirectorITG2", test_cases)]
    # pretty printing is on by default but can be disabled using prettyprint=False

def testFailureInfoToConsole():
    ''' 1 suite and test case with failure info added. Output to console.

    test_cases = TestCase('FileCheck: DesktopNotificationCenter', '', .0451, '', '')
    test_cases.add_failure_info('Invalid File \'DNC.exe\'.')
    ts = [TestSuite("DirectorITG2", [test_cases])]
    # pretty printing is on by default but can be disabled using prettyprint=False

def testMultiTestCasesToConsole():
    ''' Demonstrates a single test suite with multiple test cases, one of which
        has failure info. Output to console.

    test_cases = [TestCase('FileCheck: DesktopNotificationCenter', '', .0451, '', '')]
    test_cases.append(TestCase('FileCheck: PropertyServer', '', .0452, '', ''))
    test_cases[0].add_failure_info('Invalid File \'DNC.exe\'.')
    ts = [TestSuite("DirectorITG2", test_cases)]
    # pretty printing is on by default but can be disabled using prettyprint=False

def testMultiTestSuitesToConsole():
    ''' Demonstrates adding multiple test suites. Output to console.

    test_cases = [TestCase('FileCheck: DesktopNotificationCenter', '', .0451, '', '')]
    ts = [TestSuite("FileChecks", test_cases)]
    ts.append(TestSuite("ProcessChecks", [TestCase('ProcessCheck: ApplicationControl', '', 1.043, '', '')]))
    # pretty printing is on by default but can be disabled using prettyprint=False

def testMultiTestCasesToFile():
    ''' Demonstrates a single test suite with multiple test cases, one of which
        has failure info. Output to a file with PrettyPrint disabled (Jenkins-friendly).

    test_cases = [TestCase('DesktopNotificationCenter', 'Integration.FileCheck', .0451, '', '')]
    test_cases.append(TestCase('PropertyServer', 'Integration.FileCheck', .5678, '', ''))
    test_cases[0].add_failure_info('Invalid File \'DNC.exe\'.')
    ts = [TestSuite("GII_2013_R1", test_cases)]
    # open the file, then call the TestSuite to_File function with prettyprint off.
    # use raw text here to protect slashes from becoming escape characters
    with open(r'C:\Users\Administrator\.jenkins\workspace\IntegrationTests\FileCheck.xml', mode='a') as lFile:
        TestSuite.to_file(lFile, ts, prettyprint=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ''' If this module is being run directly, run all of the example test functions.
        Test functions output JUnit XML for various scenarios to either screen (Console)
        or file.

#    testBasicInfoToConsole()
#    testFailureInfoToConsole()
#    testMultiTestCasesToConsole()
#    testMultiTestSuitesToConsole()
#    testMultiTestCasesToFile()

    ''' Function calls for an external run of this script.

于 2013-03-15T14:52:02.277 回答

您可以使用junitxml(Python JUnit XML 报告器)

在 PyPI 上:http: //pypi.python.org/pypi/junitxml

如果您有一个unittest名为suite. 您可以运行它,并将结果写入一个 xml 文件,如下所示:

import junitxml

fp = file('results.xml', 'wb')
result = junitxml.JUnitXmlResult(fp)

或发现测试并将 xml 打印到标准输出:

python -m junitxml.main discover


nosetests --with-xunit
于 2012-11-23T15:07:44.367 回答

collective.recipe.xmltestreport构建配方包正是这样做的。它获取测试运行器输出并创建适合 JUnit 的 XML 文件。但是,它是特定于构建的并使用zope.testrunner测试运行程序包

如果切换到 buildout 不是您的选择,您可以研究它的源代码以提取重要部分。

于 2012-11-23T14:58:13.937 回答

在这里,我从 github https://github.com/kyrus/python-junit-xml得到了另一个包

于 2013-06-18T02:14:21.470 回答

我找到了一个 python 模块https://bitbucket.org/db_atlass/python-junit-xml-output-module/,看起来很适合我的需要。谢谢大卫布莱克那里

# code snippet for the usage
""" a short example of how to use this module """
test_cases = []
for i in range(0, 5):
    type_c = ""
    if i % 2 == 0:
        type_c = "failure"
    test_cases.append(TestCase(i, str(i) + "contents", type_c) )

junit_xml = JunitXml("demo test example", test_cases)
于 2012-12-20T00:51:10.933 回答

这里有很好的答案:(有很多方法可以做到) Jenkins 中的 Python 单元测试?

恕我直言,最好的方法是编写 python unittest 测试安装 pytest(类似于'yum install pytest')来安装 py.test。然后像这样运行测试: 'py.test --junitxml results.xml test.py'。您可以运行任何 unittest python 脚本并获取 jUnit xml 结果。


在 jenkins 构建配置 构建后操作 使用 result.xml 和您生成的任何更多测试结果文件添加“发布 JUnit 测试结果报告”操作。

于 2016-05-06T11:58:28.290 回答