
string = "bunch(oranges, bananas, apples)"
rxp = "[a-z]*\([var1]\, [var2]\, [var3]\)"


var1 = "oranges"
var2 = "bananas"
var3 = "apples"

类似于 re.search() 所做的事情,但针对同一匹配的多个不同部分。



4 回答 4



>>> import re
>>> m = re.search(r"[a-z]*\(([a-z]*), ([a-z]*), ([a-z]*)\)", string)
>>> m.group(0)
'bunch(oranges, bananas, apples)'
>>> m.group(1)
>>> m.group(2)
>>> m.group(3)



>>> m = re.search(r"[a-z]*\(([a-z, ]*)\)", string)
>>> m.group(1)
'oranges, bananas, apples'
>>> m.group(1).split(', ')
['oranges', 'bananas', 'apples']
于 2012-11-18T21:19:39.503 回答

For regular expressions, you can use the match() function to do what you want, and use groups to get your results. Also, don't assign to the word string, as that is a built-in function (even though it's deprecated). For your example, if you know there are always the same number of fruits each time, it looks like this:

import re
input = "bunch(oranges, bananas, apples)"
var1, var2, var3 = re.match('bunch\((\w+), (\w+), (\w+)\)', input).group(1, 2, 3)

Here, I used the \w special sequence, which matches any alphanumeric character or underscore, as explained in the documentation

If you don't know the number of fruits in advance, you can use two regular expression calls, one to get extract the minimal part of the string where the fruits are listed, getting rid of "bunch" and the parentheses, then finditer to extract the names of the fruits:

import re
input = "bunch(oranges, bananas, apples)"
[m.group(0) for m in re.finditer('\w+(, )?', re.match('bunch\(([^)]*)\)', input).group(1))] 
于 2012-11-18T21:21:40.220 回答

If you want, you can use groupdict to store matching items in a dictionary:

regex = re.compile("[a-z]*\((?P<var1>.*)\, (?P<var2>.*)\, (?P<var3>.*)")
match = regex.match("bunch(oranges, bananas, apples)")
if match:

#{'var1': 'oranges', 'var2': 'bananas', 'var3': 'apples)'}
于 2012-11-18T21:33:05.670 回答

Don't. Every time you use var1, var2 etc, you actually want a list. Unfortunately, this is no way to collect arbitrary number of subgroups in a list using findall, but you can use a hack like this:

import re
lst = []
re.sub(r'([a-z]+)(?=[^()]*\))', lambda m: lst.append(m.group(1)), string)
print lst # ['oranges', 'bananas', 'apples']

Note that this works not only for this specific example, but also for any number of substrings.

于 2012-11-18T21:22:31.297 回答