我的 Plane 课程有两个字段:

public Vector3 Norm; //normal vector 
public double Offset; //signed distance to origin


public override Intersection Intersect(Ray ray)
    // Create Intersection.
    Intersection result = new Intersection();

    // Find t.
    double t = - (Vector3.Dot(Norm,ray.Start) + Offset) / (Vector3.Dot(Norm, ray.Dir));
    if (t < 0) // the ray does not hit the surface, that is, the surface is "behind" the ray
        return null;

    // Get a point on the plane.
    Vector3 p = ray.Start + t * ray.Dir;

    // Does the ray intersect the plane inside or outside?
    Vector3 planeToRayStart = ray.Start - p;
    double dot = Vector3.Dot (planeToRayStart, Norm);
    if (dot > 0) {
        result.Inside = false;
    } else {
        result.Inside = true;

    result.Dist = t;
    return result;

另外,如果 t 接近 0,我不确定该怎么办?我应该检查 epsilon 以及 epsilon 应该有多大?另外我不确定我是否正确检查光线是否从内或外与平面相交?



1 回答 1



问题将是您的视线是否在平面内。在这种情况下,观察光线和法线光线将是正交的,因此它们的点积将为 0,您将得到除以 0 的异常。您需要提前检查:如果观察向量与法线的点积为 0,则表示观察光线平行于平面,因此要么没有相交,要么存在无限多交叉点(射线在平面内)。无论哪种方式,我认为对于光线追踪,您通常只会说没有交点(即,没有要渲染的内容),因为在后一种情况下,您正在查看一个二维平面,因此您不会什么都看不见。

I don't see any reason you need to specially handle "close to 0". Either the ray is parallel to the plane and there's nothing to render, or it's not and it intersects the plane at exactly one point. You'll get into floating point rounding errors eventually, but this is just a small source of error in your rendering which is only an approximation of the scene anyway. As long as you keep your dimensions reasonably large, the floating point errors should be insubstantial.

于 2012-12-04T13:36:16.497 回答