由于我无法通过一些内置的 PHP 函数找到简单的解决方案,我编写了两个函数来(1)检查输入的字符串是否可能是一个数字,以及(2)它是否格式正确,取决于使用的分隔符。
我将可能的分隔符限制为句点 ( .
)、逗号 ( ,
)、空格 (
) 和撇号 ( '
) 作为千位分隔符。小数点可能只是前两个选项之一。两组分隔符都可以编辑以允许更多或限制现有的分隔符。
. 我敢肯定,这可以以某种方式简化,但它现在可以工作并过滤许多错误,同时甚至允许一些奇怪的组合,例如2 000 000.25
or 2'000'000,25
function check_number($number) {
if ((int) substr($number,0,1) == 0) {
return false; // not starting with a digit greater than 0
if ((string) substr($number,-1) != "0" && (int) substr($number,-1) == 0) {
return false; // not ending with a digit
preg_match_all('/([^0-9]{2,})/', $number, $sep, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
if (isset($sep[0][0])) {
return false; // more than one consecutive non-digit character
preg_match_all('/([^0-9]{1})/', $number, $sep, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
if (count($sep[0]) > 2 && count(array_unique($sep[0])) > 2) {
return false; // more than 2 different separators
elseif (count($sep[0]) > 2) {
$last_sep = array_pop($sep[0]);
if (!in_array($last_sep,array(".",","))) {
return false; // separator not allowed as last one
$sep_unique = array_unique($sep[0]);
if (count($sep_unique) > 1) {
return false; // not all separators (except last one) are identical
elseif (!in_array($sep_unique[0],array("'",".",","," "))) {
return false; // separator not allowed
return true;
function convert_number($number) {
preg_match_all('/([0-9]+)/', $number, $num, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
preg_match_all('/([^0-9]{1})/', $number, $sep, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
if (count($sep[0]) == 0) {
// no separator, integer
return (int) $num[0][0];
elseif (count($sep[0]) == 1) {
// one separator, look for last number column
if (strlen($num[0][1]) == 3) {
if (strlen($num[0][0]) <= 3) {
// treat as thousands seperator
return (int) ($num[0][0] * 1000 + $num[0][1]);
elseif (strlen($num[0][0]) > 3) {
// must be decimal point
return (float) ($num[0][0] + $num[0][1] / 1000);
else {
// must be decimal point
return (float) ($num[0][0] + $num[0][1] / pow(10,strlen($num[0][1])));
else {
// multiple separators, check first an last
if ($sep[0][0] == end($sep[0])) {
// same character, only thousands separators, check well-formed nums
$value = 0;
foreach($num[0] AS $p => $n) {
if ($p == 0 && strlen($n) > 3) {
return -1; // malformed number, incorrect thousands grouping
elseif ($p > 0 && strlen($n) != 3) {
return -1; // malformed number, incorrect thousands grouping
$value += $n * pow(10, 3 * (count($num[0]) - 1 - $p));
return (int) $value;
else {
// mixed characters, thousands separators and decimal point
$decimal_part = array_pop($num[0]);
$value = 0;
foreach($num[0] AS $p => $n) {
if ($p == 0 && strlen($n) > 3) {
return -1; // malformed number, incorrect thousands grouping
elseif ($p > 0 && strlen($n) != 3) {
return -1; // malformed number, incorrect thousands grouping
$value += $n * pow(10, 3 * (count($num[0]) - 1 - $p));
return (float) ($value + $decimal_part / pow(10,strlen($decimal_part)));
,因为如果单个分隔符前面的位数少于 4,该函数假定分隔符必须是千位分隔符。