I'd like to get hold of version 2.0.50727.832 of System.Windows.Forms.dll - does anyone know where I can find it, without installing the correpsonding version of the .NET Framework?

Background: A customer has just reported a crash in my product. I believe it's due to a bug in a previous version of the .NET framework, which is fixed in the version I'm running.

I think I know how to work around the bug, but I could know for sure if I could load the customer's version of the DLL into Reflector and examine the offending code.

Edit: I'd rather not ask the customer to send it, because I don't know for certain that doing so would be legal.


2 回答 2


OK, I've figured it out, or at least I have for version 2.0.50727.42:

  • Download the .NET 2.0 installer from here: OldVersion.com
  • Open netframework20.exe in a Zip tool and unzip it
  • Run msiexec /a netfx.msi /qb TARGETDIR="C:\Some-Folder" to unpack the MSI
  • System.Windows.Forms.dll is now in C:\Some-Folder\Win\Microsoft.NET\Framework\URTInstallPath

Cool. I can now see Microsoft's silly off-by-one bug in the old version, and not in my current version. I can safely assume that the bug is in the customer's version as well, and I now know for sure that my workaround will work for him.

于 2009-08-28T23:28:08.197 回答

Have your user look in the following folder:


The dll should be there, you can have them use the properties dialog to check the version.



于 2009-08-28T22:41:51.627 回答