有可能从 pass inside 启动相应的应用程序passbook



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您可以设置appLaunchURL传递给关联应用程序的 通行证application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:以及application:handleOpenURL:从通行证启动应用程序的时间(请参阅存折包格式参考 - 关联的应用程序密钥

此外,从 iOS 7.0 开始,您可以将额外信息放入 passuserInfo中,相关应用程序可以通过PKPass's访问这些信息localizedValueForFieldKey:(请参阅Passbook Programming Library - Reading a Pass

于 2013-10-31T17:28:21.967 回答

There is no information about retrieving data that indicates the app was launched from PassBook. In fact it seems that there is no data sent to the app about passbook. Passbook passes launch apps with corresponding App-Id`s. What you can do is check that if there is the pass you are looking for is in the library. You can read from the documentation here :PassBook Documentation But keep in mind that Passbook Development Guidelines state that your passbook pass needs to be independent of an app.

于 2013-10-19T18:25:34.597 回答