I've merged two branches (trunk and a development branch). A folder has dissapeared.

I'm working in command line and when trying to say svn resolve --accept working src/path/to/folder the terminal spits out The node 'src/path/to/folder' was not found

After that it also spits out:

svn: E200009: Could not add all targets because some targets don't exist

svn: E200009: Illegal target for the requested operation

How can I force SVN to accept this change?



6 回答 6


我在尝试使用 TortoiseSVN 更新工作副本时遇到了这个错误。在我的情况下,我设法通过使用 SVN 命令行界面而不是svn update. 即使在成功提交后,我仍然无法更新。

很奇怪,但手动删除和更新似乎可以清理所有内容。我的两个客户端都基于 Subversion 1.7.6。

于 2012-12-04T22:56:50.473 回答

It looks like some info is broken. Which seems to happen during merge with tree conflicts.

I had to fix the svn database which is the file .svn/wc.db.

WARNING! You are manipulating the svn database which can be harmful! Do this only if you have a backup and if this procedure does not help, restore the data from backup.

  1. Go to SQLite from SQLite Download Page, download the archive of the precompiled binary for your platform and extract it e.g. to /tools
  2. Change into the .svn directory make a backup of the wv.db (!) and run sqlite3 with wc.db as parameter. E.g.

    \tools\sqlite3.exe wc.db

  3. Search the entries causing the problem with

    select * from actual_node where conflict_data like '%missing%';


    select * from actual_node where conflict_data like '%obstructed%';

    refine these queries until only the faulty actual nodes are listed. Also

    select * from actual_node where local_relpath like '%...%';

    is helpful to find the faulty nodes.

  4. Remove the faulty nodes by replacing the select with a delete

    delete from actual_node where conflict_data like '%missing%';

  5. Check again with your favorite svn tool.

  6. Rinse and repeat until all problems are gone.

WARNING! You are manipulating the svn database which can be harmful! Do this only if you have a backup and if this procedure does not help, restore the data from backup.

For me it worked several times.

于 2014-02-03T10:15:10.770 回答

由于使用服务器的 DNS 名称检出工作副本,例如http://myServer/svn/software/Trunk/ ,我遇到了这个问题;并且我告诉我的 SVN 客户端合并的分支是同一个分支,仅由其 IP 地址直接引用,例如http://。使用基于 GUI 的客户端(例如 TortoiseSVN)时很容易被忽视,并且诸如“找不到节点”之类的神秘错误消息并不能真正告诉您任何信息。希望这可以帮助某人。

于 2016-03-04T10:54:18.173 回答

在 Eclipse 中也有这个。我做了几次刷新、svn 清理等,但没有任何帮助。

然后我从命令行进行了 SVN 提交,效果很好。

于 2018-06-11T08:54:10.693 回答

对我来说,我正在使用 Tortoise SVN 中的“测试合并”按钮,我收到了这个错误。最终我真的点击了“合并”,错误没有显示......

于 2022-02-18T05:20:15.460 回答


于 2015-06-10T06:45:26.503 回答