
我有迭代每个点的工作实现,并且每个点都迭代所有其他点。这是 O(n^2)。我想知道我可以采用什么方法来改进这一点,记住我不想要最近的点,而是那些比 x Km 更近的点(我也希望能够做相反的事情,找到所有比 x Km 更远的点)。

如果您能提供一些想法和算法,那就太好了。代码示例也很好,特别是在 Scala 中(我正在开发这个项目 Scala)。


2 回答 2


对于这个问题,我会使用一个 java 库(这在 Scala 中是可能的)。计算地球上的距离比你想象的要困难得多。例如,地球不是一个完美的球体。在 java 中进行“地理工作”的主要库是 JTS:http ://tsusiatsoftware.net/jts/main.html 您还可以查看 Geotools 或者甚至是像 PostGIS(基于 Postgresql 构建)这样的 GIS 数据库,但这对您的项目来说可能有点过头了

于 2012-11-20T17:57:40.207 回答

晚了几个月回答自己。好吧,我最终使用 KD-Tree 来实现这一点。我基于这个 Java 实现: http: //people.cs.vt.edu/~shaffer/Book/JAVA/progs/KDtree/

但是我对它进行了一些修改(包括将其移植到 Scala)并使其适应我在 Geocaches 周围的具体问题。结果代码如下:

 * Based on
 * http://people.cs.vt.edu/~shaffer/Book/JAVA/progs/KDtree/
 * That code is made available as part of this textbook on Data Structures:
 * http://people.cs.vt.edu/~shaffer/Book/
//A node for a KDTree
class KDNode[E] {
  private var key_value : Array[Double] = null   //key for this node
  def key = key_value                     
  def key_=(k : Array[Double]) { key_value = k } 

  private var element_value: E = _               //Element for this node
  def element = element_value
  def element_=(e : E) {element_value = e}

  private var left_value : KDNode[E] = null      //Pointer to left child
  def left = left_value
  def left_=(l : KDNode[E]) {left_value = l}

  private var right_value : KDNode[E] = null     //Pointer to right child
  def right = right_value
  def right_=(r : KDNode[E]) {right_value = r}
  /** Constructors */
  def this(k : Array[Double], value : E) = 
    key = k
    element = value
  def this(k : Array[Double], value : E, l : KDNode[E], r : KDNode[E]) = 
    left = l
    right = r    
  //Checks if it's a leaf
  def isLeaf : Boolean = 
    return (left == null) && (right == null)

//Trait for a basic Dictionary that will be used as basis for our KDTree
trait Dictionary[K,V] {
  def size: Int
  def insert(key: K, value: V)
  def remove(key: K): V
  def find(key: K): V
  def clear
  def isEmpty: Boolean

 * A extended trait that defines that the key of the dictionary is an array of
 * doubles and defines the need of a method called regionSearchGeo (very
 * important for All Years 5 & 6 stats)
trait GeoDictionary[E] extends Dictionary[Array[Double], E] {
  def regionSearchGeo(k: Array[Double], radius: Double) : List[E]

 * Our implementation of a KDTree. It's based on the code provided in the
 * reference above, but had a few key areas modified for geographic searching.
 * For example, this KDtree is a 3D Tree. The keys are Latitude, Longitude and
 * the Year of the cache (that was also included to speed thins even further)
class K3DGeoTree[E] extends GeoDictionary[E]{

  private var root : KDNode[E] = null
  private val D : Int = 3 // Only supporting 2D points in this implementation
  private var nodecount : Int = 0 // Number of nodes in the KD tree

   * Implementing everything that is required by the Dictionary trait
   * Some private auxiliary methods are also present
  def clear() = { root = null }
  def isEmpty() : Boolean = { root == null }
  def size() : Int = { return nodecount }

  def insert(pt : Array[Double], value : E) = {
    root = inserthelp(root, pt, value, 0)
  def inserthelp(rt :  KDNode[E], key : Array[Double], value : E, level : Int)
                                 : KDNode[E] = {
    if (rt == null) return new KDNode[E](key, value)
    val rtkey : Array[Double] = rt.key
    if (rtkey(level) > key(level))
        rt.left = inserthelp(rt.left, key, value, (level+1)%D)
        rt.right = inserthelp(rt.right, key, value, (level+1)%D)
    return rt

  private def findmin(rt : KDNode[E], descrim : Int, level : Int): KDNode[E]= {
  var temp1 : KDNode[E] = null
  var temp2 : KDNode[E] = null
  var key1 : Array[Double] = null
  var key2 : Array[Double] = null
  if (rt == null) return null
  temp1 = findmin(rt.left, descrim, (level+1)%D)
  if (temp1 != null) key1 = temp1.key
  if (descrim != level) {
    temp2 = findmin(rt.right, descrim, (level+1)%D)
    if (temp2 != null) key2 = temp2.key
    if ((temp1 == null) || ((temp2 != null) && (key1(descrim) > key2(descrim))))
    temp1 = temp2
    key1 = key2
  } // Now, temp1 has the smaller value
  var rtkey : Array[Double] = rt.key
  if ((temp1 == null) || (key1(descrim) > rtkey(descrim)))
    return rt
    return temp1

  def find(key : Array[Double]) : E = { return findhelp(root, key, 0) }

  private def findhelp(rt : KDNode[E], key : Array[Double], level : Int) : E ={
  if (rt == null) return null.asInstanceOf[E]
  val it : E = rt.element
  val itkey : Array[Double]= rt.key
  if ((itkey(0) == key(0)) && (itkey(1) == key(1)))
    return rt.element
  if (itkey(level) > key(level))
    return findhelp(rt.left, key, (level+1)%D)
    return findhelp(rt.right, key, (level+1)%D)

  def remove(key : Array[Double]) : E = {
    val temp : E = findhelp(root, key, 0)   // First find it
    if (temp != null) {
            root = removehelp(root, key, 0) // Now remove it
    return temp

  private def removehelp(rt : KDNode[E], key : Array[Double], level : Int)
                                             : KDNode[E] = {
      if (rt == null) return null
      val rtkey : Array[Double] = rt.key
      if (key(level) < rtkey(level))
        rt.left = removehelp(rt.left, key, (level+1)%D)
      else if (key(level) > rtkey(level))
        rt.right = removehelp(rt.right, key, (level+1)%D)
      else {  // Found it
      if (rt.right == null)
        if (rt.left == null) // Just drop element
         return null
      else { // Switch subtree to right
            rt.right = rt.left
            rt.left = null
      val temp : KDNode[E] = findmin(rt.right, level, (level+1)%D)
      rt.right = removehelp(rt.right, temp.key, (level+1)%D)
      rt.element = temp.element
    return rt

   * Implementing the GeoDictionary trait
  def regionSearchGeo(point: Array[Double], radius: Double) : List[E] = 
    val pointGeo : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromDegrees(point(0), point(1))
     * Calculates a bounding rectangle that contains the circle with the given
     * radius. This will be explained later in the corresponding class
    val boundingRect = pointGeo.boundingCoordinates(radius)  
    //Return the caches found
    return rsGeoHelp(root, point, radius, boundingRect, 0)
   * Auxiliary region search function that does all the heavy work
  private def rsGeoHelp(rt : KDNode[E], point : Array[Double], radius : Double,
                                                boundingRect : Tuple2[GeoLocation,GeoLocation],
                                                lev : Int): List[E] = {
  if (rt == null) return Nil
  val rtkey : Array[Double] = rt.key
  var found : List[E] = Nil
 //Checks if the current node is in the desired radius (and also the year)
  if (InCircleGeo(point, radius, rtkey))
          found = List(rt.element)
 //First Dimension is latitude
  if(lev % D == 0){
        if (rtkey(lev) >= boundingRect._1.degLat)
        found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.left, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
        if (rtkey(lev) <= boundingRect._2.degLat)
        found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.right, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
 //Second Dimension is Longitude
  else if(lev % D == 1){
        if (rtkey(lev) >= boundingRect._1.degLon)
        found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.left, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
        if (rtkey(lev) <= boundingRect._2.degLon)
    found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.right, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
 //Third and last dimension is the year
    found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.left, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
        if (rtkey(lev) <= point(lev))
        found = found:::rsGeoHelp(rt.right, point, radius, boundingRect, (lev+1)%D)
  //Return the found nodes (in our case it will be caches)
  return found
  private def InCircleGeo(point : Array[Double], radius : Double,
                                                  coord : Array[Double]) : Boolean = {
  //Creates a GeoLocation object for each point
  val pointGeo : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromDegrees(point(0), point(1))
  val coordGeo : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromDegrees(coord(0), coord(1))
   * If the year is smaller than the query point and the distance is within
   * radius return true. Else it's false.
  return (coord(0) != point(0) && coord(1) != point(1) && coord(2) <= point(2)
         && pointGeo.distanceTo(coordGeo) < radius)

 * This class encapsulates a series of utility methods to deal with geographic
 * coordinates. It was based on the information in the link below that gives
 * a very good insight about how to do math with geographic coordinates and
 * also provides some Java samples that we used as an inspiration for this
 * class.
 * Link: http://janmatuschek.de/LatitudeLongitudeBoundingCoordinates
//Companion object of Class GeoLocation to define static methods and variables
object GeoLocation {
  //Min maxs in terms of Latitude and Longitude accross the globe
  private val MIN_LAT : Double = math.toRadians(-90)  // -PI/2
  private val MAX_LAT : Double = math.toRadians(90)   //  PI/2
  private val MIN_LON : Double = math.toRadians(-180) // -PI
  private val MAX_LON : Double = math.toRadians(180)  //  PI
   * Earth radius. This value is the most used but there are others that may
   * give slightly different results.
  private val RADIUS : Double = 6372.8

   * A factory method that creates a GeoLocation object from given latitude and
   * longitude in degrees
  def fromDegrees(latitude : Double, longitude : Double) : GeoLocation = {
    val result : GeoLocation = new GeoLocation()
        result.radLat = math.toRadians(latitude)
        result.radLon = math.toRadians(longitude)
        result.degLat = latitude
        result.degLon = longitude
        return result

   * A factory method that creates a GeoLocation object from given latitude and
   * longitude in radians
  def fromRadians(latitude : Double, longitude : Double) : GeoLocation = {
        val result : GeoLocation = new GeoLocation()
        result.radLat = latitude
        result.radLon = longitude
        result.degLat = math.toDegrees(latitude)
        result.degLon = math.toDegrees(longitude)
        return result
 * The GeoLocation class itself. The constructor is private use the factory
 * methods above.
class GeoLocation private{

   * Getters and Setters implemented as properties with syntactic sugar
   * This properties  contain the latitude and longitude in degrees and radians
  private var radLat_value : Double = _
  def radLat = radLat_value                    
  private def radLat_=(k : Double) { radLat_value = k } 

  private var radLon_value : Double = _
  def radLon = radLon_value                    
  private def radLon_=(k : Double) { radLon_value = k } 

  private var degLat_value : Double = _
  def degLat = degLat_value                    
  private def degLat_=(k : Double) { degLat_value = k } 

  private var degLon_value : Double = _
  def degLon = degLon_value                    
  private def degLon_=(k : Double) { degLon_value = k } 

   * Check if the vales are valid considering the MIN and MAX for latitude and
   * longitude.
  private def checkBounds = {
        if (radLat < GeoLocation.MIN_LAT || radLat > GeoLocation.MAX_LAT ||
                radLon < GeoLocation.MIN_LON || radLon > GeoLocation.MAX_LON)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException()

   * Function to calculate the distance between this GeoLocation and the given
   * GeoLocation.
   * Check the reference above and
   * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula
   * for more information.
  def distanceTo(location : GeoLocation) : Double = {
        return math.acos(math.sin(radLat) * math.sin(location.radLat) +
                   math.cos(radLat) * math.cos(location.radLat) *
                   math.cos(radLon - location.radLon)) * GeoLocation.RADIUS

   * This method is very important for the search made in the K3DTree.
   * It allows us to make a bouding rectangle with the given distance/radius
   * that is geometrically correct. Check the reference above to learn more
   * about the math involved.
  def boundingCoordinates(distance : Double)
        : Tuple2[GeoLocation, GeoLocation] = {
    if (distance < 0d) throw new IllegalArgumentException()
        // Angular distance in radians on a great circle
        val radDist : Double = distance / GeoLocation.RADIUS

        //Initialize local variables to check for poles
        var minLat : Double = radLat - radDist
        var maxLat : Double = radLat + radDist

        var minLon : Double = 0
        var maxLon : Double = 0

        //Normal case
        if (minLat > GeoLocation.MIN_LAT && maxLat < GeoLocation.MAX_LAT) {
                val deltaLon : Double = math.asin(math.sin(radDist) / math.cos(radLat))
                        minLon = radLon - deltaLon
                if (minLon < GeoLocation.MIN_LON) minLon += 2d * math.Pi
                        maxLon = radLon + deltaLon
                if (maxLon > GeoLocation.MAX_LON) maxLon -= 2d * math.Pi
    //Special case in which a pole is within the distance
                        minLat = math.max(minLat, GeoLocation.MIN_LAT)
                        maxLat = math.min(maxLat, GeoLocation.MAX_LAT)
                        minLon = GeoLocation.MIN_LON
                        maxLon = GeoLocation.MAX_LON
     * Each of the bounding points (one in the south-west, bottom-left,
     * and other in the north-east, top-right)
    val swPoint : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromRadians(minLat, minLon)
    val nePoint : GeoLocation = GeoLocation.fromRadians(maxLat, maxLon) 
    //Return the tuple with the two points
    return (swPoint, nePoint)


于 2013-05-01T00:05:53.050 回答