We are starting to use Kanban and my boss just asked me a question, as one of two people with prior Kanban experience within the group, that I don't really know how to answer.

My previous experience and training with Kanban had developers pulling stories in from the backlog by priority, in our case that was the topmost card. However, my boss would like certain stories to go to the developers that have domain knowledge for particular areas. For example, let's say Joe has the most experience in working with Contracts and a contract story comes onto the board. He would like Joe to be the one to work on that particular story.

This, to me, feels a little "off" and could lead to some developers having significant extra work due to having worked in any given area of functionality. My previous experience with Kanban worked under the assumption that any developer should be able to pick up the next card and figure out what to do and that this practice would eventually eliminate any single functionality area experts and level out developer expertise over time. However, I can also see how using subject matter experts can help move a story through the process faster.

What is the most "Kanban" way of handling priority vs. expertise when it comes to pulling in the next story?


3 回答 3


我曾经使用过的每个系统都允许一些开发人员级别的优先级。如果下一张卡具有绝对(自上而下驱动)优先级,那么您必须选择该卡。不过,大多数情况下,我倾向于在“接下来的 6 张牌出现,选择你喜欢的一张”的地方工作。这为开发人员提供了一点空间来进行他或她喜欢的工作类型。另外,它给了开发人员更大的主人翁感,因为他们确实(在某种程度上)选择了他们正在做的工作。

关于您的示例,这有点偏离基础。在理想的世界中,任何开发人员都应该能够拿起任何卡。实际上,这并不总是正确的。如果我把这个项目交给 Jim,可能需要 2 天时间。如果我把它给非吉姆,它需要整个星期。这是一个标志!缺少哪些信息共享?您如何让其他开发人员像 Jim 一样理解 Contracts 组件?

如果优先级有点灰色,那么这些东西往往会自行解决。所有其他开发人员都知道 Jim 可以处理合同的内容。然而,如果吉姆没有能力,那么其他人必须接受挑战。看板应该提醒您注意被阻止的故事。

于 2012-11-20T13:28:26.107 回答

看板非常适合可视化工作流程、限制 WIP 和暴露瓶颈。

Henrik Kniberg 有一本很棒的书,《从战壕中精益求精》。他讲述了他在现实世界的例子中使用的许多技术。他描述了一种让化身(代表开发人员)可以放置在任务上以显示谁在做什么的方法。



于 2013-01-06T16:19:12.797 回答

看板系统应显示真实的过程。如果经理将故事分配给开发人员,那么系统应该反映这一点。这可以通过多种方式完成,您可以为开发者 X 准备一个特定项目,或者您可以在卡片上写下开发者的姓名。另一种选择是为每个开发人员设置一条泳道。



于 2012-11-20T15:13:23.307 回答