我有两个按钮添加图像和编辑。从添加图像即时添加来自图库的多个图像,并且可以在视图中移动每个图像视图。我制作了一个 Draggable 类来移动每个图像视图。

@interface Draggable : UIImageView {
    AppDelegate *objectDelegate;
    CGPoint startLocation;

@property (nonatomic,retain) AppDelegate *objectDelegate;

@implementation Draggable
@synthesize objectDelegate;

- (void) touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
    // Retrieve the touch point
    objectDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
    CGPoint pt = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self];
    startLocation = pt;
    [[self superview] bringSubviewToFront:self];
- (void) touchesMoved:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
    // Move relative to the original touch point
    CGPoint pt = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self];
    CGRect frame = [self frame];
    frame.origin.x += pt.x - startLocation.x;
    frame.origin.y += pt.y - startLocation.y;
    [self setFrame:frame];


UIImage* image = [[UIImage alloc] init];
image = [info objectForKey:@"UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage"];
CGRect cellRectangle;
cellRectangle = CGRectMake(20 ,50,image.size.width/6 ,image.size.height/6 );

//[[self view] addSubview:blockView];
UIImageView *dragger = [[Draggable alloc] initWithFrame:cellRectangle];
[dragger setImage:image];
[dragger setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];

[self.view addSubview:dragger];

现在在“编辑”按钮上,我想将该特定图像编辑为通过单击选择的 b。就像我有 3 张图片 picOne、picTwo 和 picThree。如果我触摸 picTwo 并单击编辑,我希望 picTwo 进行编辑(打开 aviary 编辑器)。

我所做的就是在 Draggable touches 开始时添加了这一行

UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];

    if ([touch view] == objectDelegate.selectedImageViewFromCanvas)
        // selestecImageViewFromCanvas is UiImageView.



1 回答 1


Thanks Arpit . i have used gesture recognizer link . i have edit this code. on imagepicker i have set tag on UiView (holderview) and UIImageView (imageview) and when i tap on image then i can get tag value of that holder [sender view].tag . and from that tag i am getting that UIImageView tag like [sender view].tag + 1 ( coz if my holderView tag is 101 than my UIImage tag is 102. )

于 2012-11-20T09:49:02.387 回答