Sptr<B> bp1(new B); // obj1: ref count = 1
Sptr<B> bp2 = bp1; // obj1: ref count = 2
bp2 = new B; // obj1: ref count = 1, obj2: rec count = 1 **problem**
在我的实现中,我的 obj2 引用计数为 2,因为这段代码:
void retain() {
std::cout << "retained, rc: " << *_rc << std::endl;
void release() {
std::cout << "released, rc: " << *_rc << std::endl;
if (*_rc == 0) {
std::cout << "rc = 0, deleting obj" << std::endl;
delete _ptr;
_ptr = 0;
delete _rc;
_rc = 0;
T *_ptr;
int *_rc;
// Delegate private copy constructor
template <typename U>
Sptr(const Sptr<U> *p) : _ptr(p->get()), _rc(p->rc()) {
if (p->get() != 0) retain();
// Delegate private assignment operator
template <typename U>
Sptr<T> &operator=(const Sptr<U> *p) {
if (_ptr != 0) release();
_ptr = p->get();
_rc = p->rc();
if (_ptr != 0) retain();
return *this;
Sptr() : _ptr(0) {}
template <typename U>
Sptr(U *p) : _ptr(p) { _rc = new int(1); }
// Normal and template copy constructors both delegate to private
Sptr(const Sptr &o) : Sptr(&o) {
std::cout << "non-templated copy ctor" << std::endl;
template <typename U>
Sptr(const Sptr<U> &o) : Sptr(&o) {
std::cout << "templated copy ctor" << std::endl;
// Normal and template assignment operator
Sptr &operator=(const Sptr &o) {
std::cout << "non-templated assignment operator" << std::endl;
return operator=(&o);
template <typename U>
Sptr<T> &operator=(const Sptr<U> &o) {
std::cout << "templated assignment operator" << std::endl;
return operator=(&o);
// Assignment operator for assigning to void or 0
void operator=(int) {
if (_ptr != 0) release();
_ptr = 0;
_rc = 0;
构造函数使用 ref count = 1 进行初始化,但在我的赋值运算符中,我保留了对象,使 ref count = 2。但在这种情况下它应该只是 1,因为 bp2 = new B 只是一个指向那个物体。我查看了各种智能指针实现示例,但我似乎无法弄清楚它们如何处理我遇到的这种情况。