I'm definitely in need of your help guys.. As in really.
My laptop has been stolen and I didn't have a backup of my
pyqt phonon video player that I made a year ago. I forgot how and what to do to recreate it.
I only know some key things to do for it to work. So please help me out.
From what i can remember I need to
- Set backend capabilities (set phonon backend to windows media player?)
- Install the required codecs (which i dont have a copy of)
- Code the program (and sadly I forgot how to play a video)
If there's someone out there who have a working sample python videoplayer, can you please share it with me?
I'm trying it right now and my sample doesn't work at all
from PyQt4.phonon import Phonon
media_source = phonon.Phonon.MediaSource("C:\\Sample.avi")
Please help me. And thank you very much to you guys.
I'm using python 2.6 and qt version 4.9. Now I'm coding on a virtual box windows XP
EDIT: got a following sample with this problem but.. having this error when loading a file.
"The Operation Cannot Be Performed Because the Pins Are Not Connected"
This maybe because I'm using a virtual box in Ubuntu?