我有麻烦。我想在我的项目中使用蓝牙低功耗,我选择“打开蓝牙低功耗 API [Android 2.3.3]”SDK 创建项目。但它不起作用。它抛出的异常如下: 安装错误:INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY 请检查 logcat 输出以获取更多详细信息。发射取消!

这样的配置在我的工程中想找个sample可以参考,当我在“samples\android-10\BluetoothChat\src\com\example\android\BluetoothChat”中找到一个sample时,发现不是我的需要。它与蓝牙低功耗无关。为什么 Android SDK 中没有低功耗蓝牙示例?谁能给我样品?或者告诉我怎么做?请帮助我,非常非常感谢!


1 回答 1


Have look on this topic How to use Broadcom BLE SDK (SMART 4.0) in Android 4.X

Android doesn't have a BLE library ready to use. You could try specific Broadcom and Motorola library, but the Bluetooth phone chip must be compatible.

In others words : No BLE support on Android at this time.

于 2012-11-18T09:18:32.223 回答