我需要$("#slider ul li div").swipeleft();使用核心 jQuery 创建 jQuery mobile 之类的 Swipe 手势,而不使用任何库或插件,甚至不使用 jQuery mobile。

我知道 jQuery 移动小部件现在将被解耦,这样我们就可以单独从中进行滑动。但我不能等那么久。

我需要一些类似于左右滑动功能的滑动手势的手动 jQuery 代码。我见过这个,但我不明白如何从中获得滑动手势。任何人都可以帮我解决该代码吗?


1 回答 1


这是使用 javascript 进行触摸滑动的代码。最后,我在互联网上搜索了一下,发现很难。感谢padilicious。下面是滑块的 HTML 代码。

<div id="slider" ontouchstart="touchStart(event,'slider');" ontouchend="touchEnd(event);" 
ontouchmove="touchMove(event);" ontouchcancel="touchCancel(event);">
<ul id="slideul"><li><img src="1.jpg"></li><li>....</ul>

下面是触摸滑动的 javascript 代码。它有点长。但它对我有用。你不必改变任何东西。唯一需要更改的地方是processingRoutine( ) 函数。我使用此代码sliders.goToNext()&调用了 2 个幻灯片功能,即上一个和下一个sliders.goToPrev()。你可以随意修改..

var triggerElementID = null; // this variable is used to identity the triggering element
var fingerCount = 0;
var startX = 0;
var startY = 0;
var curX = 0;
var curY = 0;
var deltaX = 0;
var deltaY = 0;
var horzDiff = 0;
var vertDiff = 0;
var minLength = 72; // the shortest distance the user may swipe
var swipeLength = 0;
var swipeAngle = null;
var swipeDirection = null;

// The 4 Touch Event Handlers

// NOTE: the touchStart handler should also receive the ID of the triggering element
// make sure its ID is passed in the event call placed in the element declaration, like:
// <div id="picture-frame" ontouchstart="touchStart(event,'picture-frame');"  ontouchend="touchEnd(event);" ontouchmove="touchMove(event);" ontouchcancel="touchCancel(event);">

function touchStart(event,passedName) {
    // disable the standard ability to select the touched object
    // get the total number of fingers touching the screen
    fingerCount = event.touches.length;
    // since we're looking for a swipe (single finger) and not a gesture (multiple fingers),
    // check that only one finger was used
    if ( fingerCount == 1 ) {
        // get the coordinates of the touch
        startX = event.touches[0].pageX;
        startY = event.touches[0].pageY;
        // store the triggering element ID
        triggerElementID = passedName;
    } else {
        // more than one finger touched so cancel

function touchMove(event) {
    if ( event.touches.length == 1 ) {
        curX = event.touches[0].pageX;
        curY = event.touches[0].pageY;
    } else {

function touchEnd(event) {
    // check to see if more than one finger was used and that there is an ending coordinate
    if ( fingerCount == 1 && curX != 0 ) {
        // use the Distance Formula to determine the length of the swipe
        swipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(curX - startX,2) + Math.pow(curY - startY,2)));
        // if the user swiped more than the minimum length, perform the appropriate action
        if ( swipeLength >= minLength ) {
            touchCancel(event); // reset the variables
        } else {
    } else {

function touchCancel(event) {
    // reset the variables back to default values
    fingerCount = 0;
    startX = 0;
    startY = 0;
    curX = 0;
    curY = 0;
    deltaX = 0;
    deltaY = 0;
    horzDiff = 0;
    vertDiff = 0;
    swipeLength = 0;
    swipeAngle = null;
    swipeDirection = null;
    triggerElementID = null;

function caluculateAngle() {
    var X = startX-curX;
    var Y = curY-startY;
    var Z = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(X,2)+Math.pow(Y,2))); //the distance - rounded - in pixels
    var r = Math.atan2(Y,X); //angle in radians (Cartesian system)
    swipeAngle = Math.round(r*180/Math.PI); //angle in degrees
    if ( swipeAngle < 0 ) { swipeAngle =  360 - Math.abs(swipeAngle); }

function determineSwipeDirection() {

    if ( (swipeAngle <= 45) && (swipeAngle >= 0) ) {
        swipeDirection = 'left';
    } else if ( (swipeAngle <= 360) && (swipeAngle >= 315) ) {
        swipeDirection = 'left';
    } else if ( (swipeAngle >= 135) && (swipeAngle <= 225) ) {
        swipeDirection = 'right';
    } else if ( (swipeAngle > 45) && (swipeAngle < 135) ) {
        swipeDirection = 'down';
    } else {
        swipeDirection = 'up';

function processingRoutine() {
    var swipedElement = document.getElementById(triggerElementID);
    if ( swipeDirection == 'left' ) {
    } else if ( swipeDirection == 'right' ) {
    } else if ( swipeDirection == 'up' ) {
    } else if ( swipeDirection == 'down' ) {
于 2012-11-27T10:47:28.997 回答