我正在为我的一门大学课程学习 Java,我需要知道如何在每 12 次 for 循环迭代后暂停程序的输出。我有一个迭代 360 次的循环,我希望每 12 个项目循环输出输出停止,直到按下一个键。我做了很多搜索,但我发现的所有内容都在更高级的上下文中,我不太明白代码中还发生了什么。这个程序没有 GUI,它非常简单,我可以在这里粘贴所有代码:
public class MyMain
static double principal = 200000.00;
static double interest = .0575;
static int term = 360;
static DecimalFormat currency = new DecimalFormat("###,###.##");
public static void main(String[] args)
MortgageCalculator mortgageWeek2 = new MortgageCalculator(principal, interest, term);
double monthlyPayment = mortgageWeek2.calculate();
System.out.println("Welcome to my Mortgage Calculator.");
System.out.println("The principal on this loan is $" + currency.format(principal) + ".");
System.out.println("The interest on this loan is " + (interest * 100) + "%.");
System.out.println("The term on this loan is " + term + " months (" + term / 12 + " years).");
System.out.println("Payments on this loan will be $" + currency.format(monthlyPayment));
double balanceRemaining = 200000.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 30 * 12; i++)
double interestPaid = balanceRemaining * .0575 / 12;
double principalPaid = monthlyPayment - interestPaid;
balanceRemaining = balanceRemaining - principalPaid;
System.out.println("Month " + (i + 1) + " \tPayment Amount: $" + currency.format(monthlyPayment) +
"\tInterest Paid: $" + currency.format(interestPaid) +
" \tPrincipal Paid: $" + currency.format(principalPaid) +
" \tBalance Remaining: $" + currency.format(balanceRemaining));