I have been using AWS for a while now without issues but wanted a new basic web server so started a new simple Ubuntu image.

It all goes through fine - I set up port access (ssh:22) etc... Use my key pair that is working on a different image - or create a new key pair (still does not work in next step).

Then I start the java client (that amazon provides) to ssh connect to the new server, normally this goes through fine in the past. But now it keeps booting me out saying:

Authentication failed, permission denied.

Using username Ubuntu... This is a brand new image?! Is their something silly im forgetting?

Many thanks


1 回答 1


我从不喜欢 MindTerm(java 客户端)。如果您是 Windows 用户,请尝试使用putty(您必须使用 puttygen转换您的密钥)。如果您使用的是 Linux,只需从控制台使用 ssh。

于 2013-10-15T16:04:19.243 回答