我有 UIDatePicker,我想在 UIDatePicker 中绘制时间,例如灰色

我需要这个,如果在我的图形中绘制了一些间隔,那么在 datePicker 中用户无法选择这个时间



2 回答 2



于 2012-11-15T00:57:43.123 回答

I think I found my solution, I can draw time to another color

for (UIView *view in datePicker.subviews) {
        for (UIView *subView in view.subviews) {
            for (UIView *subSubView in subView.subviews) {
                for (UIView *thirdSubView in subSubView.subviews) {
                    for (UILabel *label in thirdSubView.subviews) {
                        if ([label isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]) {
                            label.textColor = [UIColor redColor];

enter image description here

I need to catch event when scrolling DatePicker, I doing this, and this work, but I break the scroll

for (UIView *view in datePicker.subviews) {
        for (UIView *subView in view.subviews) {
            Class UIPickerTableView = objc_getClass("UIPickerTableView");

            if ([subView isKindOfClass:UIPickerTableView]) {
                UITableView *sub = (UITableView *) subView;
                sub.delegate = self;
            for (UIView *subSubView in subView.subviews) {

enter image description here

I try doing another way, but it doesn't work

for (UIView *view in datePicker.subviews) {
        for (UIView *subView in view.subviews) {
            Class UIPickerTableView = objc_getClass("UIPickerTableView");

            Method targetMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(UIPickerTableView, @selector(scrollViewDidScroll:));
            Method newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(UIPickerTableView, @selector(__scrollViewDidScroll:));
            method_exchangeImplementations(targetMethod, newMethod);

            for (UIView *subSubView in subView.subviews) {
于 2012-11-15T17:30:13.777 回答