我有这个程序要讨论,我认为它具有挑战性。这里我有一个 yml 文件,其中包含图像的数据。图像具有存储在此 yml 文件中的 x、y、z 值和强度数据。我已经使用 opencv 加载数据并且它在掩码中工作正常..但是我在动态附加创建的掩码时遇到问题..这是我为解决问题而编写的代码:
import cv
from math import floor, sqrt, ceil
from numpy import array, dot, subtract, add, linalg as lin
mask_size = 9
mask_size2 = mask_size / 2
f = open("Classified_Image1.txt", "w")
def distance(centre, point):
''' To find out the distance between centre and the point '''
dist = sqrt(
((centre[0]-point[0])**2) +
((centre[1]-point[1])**2) +
return dist
def CalcCentre(points): # Calculates centre for a given set of points
centre = array([0,0,0])
count = 0
for p in points:
centre = add(centre, array(p[:3]))
count += 1
centre = dot(1./count, centre)
print centre
return centre
def addrow(data, points, x, y, ix , iy ):# adds row to the mask
iy = y + 1
for dx in xrange(-mask_size2 , mask_size2 + 2):
ix = x + dx
rowpoints = addpoints(data, points, iy, ix)
return rowpoints
def addcolumn(data, points, x, y, ix , iy ):# adds column to the mask
ix = x + 1
for dy in xrange(-mask_size2-1 , mask_size2 + 1):
iy = y + dy
columnpoints = addpoints(data, points, iy, ix)
return columnpoints
def addpoints (data, points, iy, ix): # adds a list of relevant points
if 0 < ix < data.width and 0 < iy < data.height:
pnt = data[iy, ix]
if pnt != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
print ix, iy
print pnt
return points
def CreateMask(data, y, x):
radius = 0.3
points = []
for dy in xrange(-mask_size2, mask_size2 + 1): ''' Masking the data '''
for dx in xrange(-mask_size2, mask_size2 + 1):
ix, iy = x + dx, y + dy
points = addpoints(data, points, iy , ix )
if len(points) > 3:
centre = CalcCentre(points)
distances = []
for point in points :
dist = distance(centre, point)
distancemax = max(distances)
print distancemax
if distancemax < radius: ''' Dynamic Part of the Programme'''
#while dist < radius: # Going into infinite loop .. why ?
p = addrow(data, points, x, y, ix , iy )
q = addcolumn(data, points, x, y, ix , iy )
dist = distance(centre, point) # While should not go in infinite
#loop as dist is changing here
print dist
print len(p), p
print len(q), q
points = p + q
points = list(set(points)) # To remove duplicate points in the list
print len(points), points
def ComputeClasses(data):
for y in range(0, data.height):
for x in range(0, data.width):
CreateMask(data, y, x)
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = cv.Load("Z:/data/xyz_00000_300.yml")
print "data loaded"