In my scenario I have 4 devices sending serial data to my PC via RS232 connections. I am also using hardware to gather all the 4 data streams into one USB connection.
Now, this setup creates 4 COM ports in Windows and that's my issue because I have a ready-made software that reads from just one serial port.
I'm trying to create a tiny C++ software to grab the packets from my 4 RS232 serial ports and forward the stream into one serial port. Alternating the packets will work for sure. As I figured it out so far I'll need to create a virtual serial port to write the serialized stream and make sure that the ready-made software reads from that. Now I haven't tested this but I assume I'll not be able to do this without a bridge or something since I can't keep the port open to write the serialized data and open it with the ready-made software to read the data.
What I'd do then is
- Setup a virtual port
- Setup a bridge to that virtual port
- Set the ready-made software to read from the copy of the virtual port
- In my C++ software, open the 4 ports and the virtual one
- Write my stuff into the virtual port (see underneath COMport_TARGET)
My questions
Considering the code example underneath,
- Would you do the same way?
- How else would you do it?
- What software would you use to setup a virtual port and a bridge?
Here's a naive code that should do this:
unsigned char receiveBuffer[PACKET_LENGTH];
OpenCOMPort(COMport_TARGET); // This is the virtual COM Port to write to
while(true) {
packetWriteToDevice(*(receiveBuffer), COMport_TARGET); // Write COM A data
packetWriteToDevice(*(receiveBuffer), COMport_TARGET); // Write COM B data
packetWriteToDevice(*(receiveBuffer), COMport_TARGET); // Write COM C data
packetWriteToDevice(*(receiveBuffer), COMport_TARGET); // Write COM D data