我有一个 sinatra 应用程序,我想在其中创建下载功能。此下载从表中获取数据并制作 excel 以供用户下载。
require 'csv'
get '/download' do
data = [{:name => "john", :age => 12, :state => 'ca'}, {:name => "tony", :age => 22, :state => 'va'}]
# I want to download this data as excel file and the content of file should be as follows:
# name,age,state
# john,12,ca
# tony,22,va
# I don't want to save data as a temp file on the server and then throw to user for download
# rather I want to stream data for download on the browser. So I used this,
# but it is not working
send_data (data, :type => 'application/csv', :disposition => 'attachment')
更新:我没有嫁给 sinatra 的 send_data 方法。如果流媒体在这段时间内阻塞了我的服务器,那么我愿意接受替代方案。