I've searched on the web with no succsess. I actually just found some popups with html or just text. I would like to make a view that pops up. In the view, should be some content, a button and maybe an imageview. I've found some apps, which are using this popup views so far. The popup displaying is animated. Here I've some pictures:

1. enter image description here

and then it grown up till it fits:

enter image description here

does anybody know how to do this? It would be awesome if someone has a code snipped for me to present this view in portrait mode.



2 回答 2


CocoaControls has some things like this. Take a look at these:

于 2012-11-08T17:57:22.953 回答

You can do this by presenting a modalView with Presentation Style UIModalPresentationFormSheet.

It'll look like:


You need to change the height and width according to your need also you can customize the appearance. Please refer.

  1. UIModalPresentationStyle
  2. ModalViewControllers

If you need it in iPhone use FPPopover or Modal View in Iphone

于 2012-11-08T20:08:45.253 回答