我有以下引发异常的代码(下面的代码注释中的详细信息)。我只是想使用枚举的一个实例作为 Where 子句的一部分。我理解该消息,但我不明白为什么 EF 无法解析 Int32 枚举。
如果我将枚举复制到 Int32 然后对其进行过滤,它会起作用,但它看起来很混乱。
Enum MyEnum As Int32
End Enum
Shared Function GetStuff(ByVal EnumValue As MyEnum) As IQueryable
Dim Db As New MainDb
Dim DetailList As IQueryable
Dim MyInt As Int32 = EnumValue
' PostalProviderId is an Int column in SQL.
'DetailList = From D In Db.DeliveryService Where D.PostalProviderId = EnumValue ' This fails.
DetailList = From D In Db.DeliveryService Where D.PostalProviderId = MyInt ' This works.
' The following attempt to enumerate the results yields;
' **** System.NotSupportedException was unhandled by user code
' **** Message = "Unable to create a constant value of type 'Closure type'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context."
' **** Source = "System.Data.Entity"
For Each Thingy In DetailList
Return DetailList
End Function
有没有比将枚举值复制到本地 int 更优雅的解决方案?