#include <atlcom.h>
class FormRegionWrapper;
// Errorsource :
typedef IDispEventSimpleImpl
<2, FormRegionWrapper, &__uuidof(FormRegionEvents)>
// Error ouput:
error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<'
error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed.
Note: C++ does not support default-int
(片段取自此处:为 Outlook 2010 构建 C++插件)。我的环境:MS Visual Studio 2012 Professional 和 Windows 7-64。
PS 1:关于 IDispEventSimpleImpl 的帮助说明如下:
// Help IDispEventSimpleImpl Class : This class provides implementations of
// the IDispatch methods, without getting type information from a type library.
// template <
// UINT nID,
// class T,
// const IID* pdiid
// >
// class ATL_NO_VTABLE IDispEventSimpleImpl :
// public _IDispEventLocator<nID, pdiid>
// Requirements
// -------------------
// Header: atlcom.h