举例来说,假设我有一个 32x32 矩阵,有 36 个工作项,因此我假设 get_global_id(0) 从 0 -> 35 变为 size = MATRIX_DIM/4 = 8。
__kernel void transpose(__global float4 *g_mat,
__local float4 *l_mat, uint size) {
__global float4 *src, *dst;
/* Determine row and column location */
int col = get_global_id(0);
int row = 0;
while(col >= size) {
col -= size--;
col += row;
size += row;
/* Read source block into local memory */
src = g_mat + row * size * 4 + col;
l_mat += get_local_id(0)*8;
调用中,根据手册将 arglocal_work_size
local_work_size can also be a NULL value in which case the OpenCL implementation will determine how to be break the global work-items into appropriate work-group instances.
但我不明白乘以 8,它为我想的工作组提供了本地内存的地址偏移量。有人可以解释一下吗?
l_mat[0] = src[0];
l_mat[1] = src[size];
l_mat[2] = src[2*size];
l_mat[3] = src[3*size];
/* Process block on diagonal */
if(row == col) {
src[0] =
(float4)(l_mat[0].x, l_mat[1].x, l_mat[2].x, l_mat[3].x);
src[size] =
(float4)(l_mat[0].y, l_mat[1].y, l_mat[2].y, l_mat[3].y);
src[2*size] =
(float4)(l_mat[0].z, l_mat[1].z, l_mat[2].z, l_mat[3].z);
src[3*size] =
(float4)(l_mat[0].w, l_mat[1].w, l_mat[2].w, l_mat[3].w);
/* Process block off diagonal */
else {
/* Read destination block into local memory */
dst = g_mat + col * size * 4 + row;
l_mat[4] = dst[0];
l_mat[5] = dst[size];
l_mat[6] = dst[2*size];
l_mat[7] = dst[3*size];
/* Set elements of destination block */
dst[0] =
(float4)(l_mat[0].x, l_mat[1].x, l_mat[2].x, l_mat[3].x);
dst[size] =
(float4)(l_mat[0].y, l_mat[1].y, l_mat[2].y, l_mat[3].y);
dst[2*size] =
(float4)(l_mat[0].z, l_mat[1].z, l_mat[2].z, l_mat[3].z);
dst[3*size] =
(float4)(l_mat[0].w, l_mat[1].w, l_mat[2].w, l_mat[3].w);
/* Set elements of source block */
src[0] =
(float4)(l_mat[4].x, l_mat[5].x, l_mat[6].x, l_mat[7].x);
src[size] =
(float4)(l_mat[4].y, l_mat[5].y, l_mat[6].y, l_mat[7].y);
src[2*size] =
(float4)(l_mat[4].z, l_mat[5].z, l_mat[6].z, l_mat[7].z);
src[3*size] =
(float4)(l_mat[4].w, l_mat[5].w, l_mat[6].w, l_mat[7].w);