在检查特定按钮是否在一段时间内(即 20 秒)内没有被点击后,我怎么能显示一条消息jQuery
我已经有一个功能示例,如果鼠标在此处30 秒后保持空闲状态,则会显示一条消息
当您开始超时时,将它返回的 ID 分配给一个 var:
function visible_a_message(){
var timeout = 20000; //20 secs
var showWarningBox = setTimeout(visible_a_message, timeout);
<input type='button' onClick='clearTimeout(showWarningBox);'" />
$(function () {
var pageLoaded = new Date();
$("#preventButton").click(function () {
// mark as clicked only within 20 seconds after page load
if (new Date() - pageLoaded <= 20000) {
setTimeout(function conditionalMessage() {
// show a message if #preventButton had not been marked as clicked
if ( !$("#preventButton").is(".clicked") ) {
alert("a message appears");
}, 30000);
from your page source I would use something like this:
$("#idletimeout").slideDown(); // show the warning bar
},20000 //20 seconds
so whenever user do on that page he will see warning box unless he clicks on the button (leave the page actually)