我目前有一个使用位置服务的应用程序,并且在运行 iOS5 及更高版本的设备上运行良好。但是,一直遇到与 4.3.x 不一致的问题。


When installing and running the app for the FIRST time, we get the usual 'Allow this app to use Location Services' dialogue to change the [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus]. However, when we uninstall the application (from the home screen) and reinstall the app, we never get this prompt again and somehow the OS has cached the users response for this app, despite this app being uninstalled and reinstalled freshly. On all other versions of iOS, we get the prompt as expected and the [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus] is set to kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined as expected.

Can anyone tell me why with 4.3 the OS seems to remember the options for the app despite it being uninstalled? In order to rectify this issue currently, I have to manually reset all Location Services settings on the device through the settings menu.

If you need any information, or code snippets, please ask.


1 回答 1


事实证明,这是 4.3 的限制,在任何 iOS 4.3 设备上运行应用程序时都很明显。

Apple 一定认为这不是一个错误——当用户卸载应用程序时,这很奇怪,为什么操作系统会记住用户选择了特定应用程序的权限?


于 2012-12-06T17:17:05.183 回答