我可以抓住这个哈希并打印出它的 .text 部分,但我不知道如何获取 id_str 和 screen_name - 我真的需要解析出的信息。
<% Twitter.mentions_timeline.each do |mention| %>
<%= mention.text %> <%# dies on some of em, like mention.id_str - not sure why %>
<br /><hr />
<% end %>
以下是 Twitter.mentions_timeline 哈希:
:text=>"@doodleboots http://t.co/VJOR0MgQ",
:indices=>[13, 33],
:indices=>[0, 12],
:created_at=>"Mon Nov 05 02:16:24 +0000 2012",
:created_at=>"Mon Nov 05 01:17:20 +0000 2012",
:url=>nil, :geo_enabled=>false,
:name=>"Roslyn Montalbo ",
:description=>"Amateur social media scholar. Friend of animals everywhere. Explorer. Unapologetic twitter advocate. Incurable travel geek. Writer",
:text=>"test post @doodleboots",
:indices=>[10, 22],
:created_at=>"Tue Sep 18 04:07:29 +0000 2012",
:indices=>[0, 22],
:created_at=>"Wed Mar 03 00:09:50 +0000 2010",
:description=>"Take a pic of a drawing/doodle and tweet it @doodleboots! It will be re-tweeted and posted to the website for all to see.",