我正在查看“Programming Interviews Exposed”一书中的以下段落,参考了 C 中链表堆栈的实现:

typedef struct Element {
   struct Element *next;
   void *data; 
} Element;

void push( Element *stack, void *data ); 
void *pop( Element *stack );


void push( Element **stack, void *data ); 
void *pop( Element **stack);



4 回答 4


It is similar to the famous swap() function in C.

Case 1:

void swapFails(int x, int y) {
    int temp = x;
    x = y;
    y = temp;

Case 2:

void swapOk(int *x, int *y) {
    int temp = *x;
    *x = *y;
    *y = temp;

and we invoke swap like this:

int x = 10;
int y = 20;

Case 1:

swapFails(x, y);

Case 2:

swapOk(&x, &y);

Remember, we wanted to CHANGE the values of x and y. For CHANGING values of a datatype, we need pointers. Take this to the next level for pointers. For CHANGING values of a pointer, we would need double pointers.

For Stack using linked list: If you push values 10, 20 and 30, they are stored like this:

top --- bottom
30 -> 20 -> 10

So you see every time you push or pop values from the stack, which is a linked list, the top or the first node of the linked list changes. Hence you need double pointers.

于 2012-11-05T21:26:26.137 回答


Element *myStack = NULL ;

.... bla bla bla ....

push(myStack, something);

然后在push调用中,您将告诉堆栈实现堆栈的头元素在哪里,但是实现push无法告诉您头在哪里。它不能更改您的myStack变量,因为在 C 中传递的参数始终是按值传递的——即,push函数被告知恰好是什么myStack但没有机会更改调用者的变量。

为了使事情正常工作,您需要告诉 push 原语它需要更改的局部变量的地址:

push(&myStack, something);

并且由于myStack它本身具有 type Element *指向myStack变量的指针具有type Element **

于 2012-11-05T21:20:31.080 回答


Element *stack =...
push (stack)
void push( Element *stack, void *data ) {
  stack = ... // this changes the local pointer allocated on the function's stack
//call returns
stack //still points to old memory


于 2012-11-05T21:17:32.220 回答

In C everything is passed by value, let's say that I have this function:

void foo(void* ptr)

If you call this method in the main, the pointer that you pass will not be NULL (unless it wat already NULL).Because a copy of the pointer is made before passing it to the function.So if you want to modify it's value, you have to pass a double pointer:

void foo(void** ptr)

The same is valid for the stack, of which you want to modify the value.

于 2012-11-05T21:19:48.483 回答