4 6 18 12 4 5
2 9 0 3 NA 13
11 NA 6 7 7 9
如何使用 R 填充缺失值?
作为您的数据集)替换您的 NA:
a[is.na(a)] <- 0 #For instance
#This will replace them by the sum of their row number and their column number:
a[is.na(a)] <- rowSums(which(is.na(a), arr.ind=TRUE))
#This will replace them by their row number:
a[is.na(a)] <- which(is.na(a), arr.ind=TRUE)[,1]
#And this by their column number:
a[is.na(a)] <- which(is.na(a), arr.ind=TRUE)[,2]