I am newbie to the CV field and I am on a relatively simple task, I want to analyse dominoes rock values.

I used blob analysis method, which wasn't really efficient on android for that I used a pure java code which tends to be slower than native C. And background data caused me problems as it could have blobs too.

After too much reading I ran through 'template matching' method which sounds like the best to me, for its low resources need and rotation/scaling tolerance, I can easily save the template of every piece of the dominoes and then match it in the coming image for analysis and counting.

Now all I want is your guidance to libraries/methods that can help me implementing template matching, I prefer pure java but can use native C libs if no choice is found.

P.S: If you find me wrong regarding algorithm I chose, please provide me with your advice.


1 回答 1



要进行模板匹配,首先必须找到要识别的图像的感兴趣区域。为此,您可以从许多算法中选择一种,例如基于特征的检测和基于外观的检测。找到 ROI(Region of Interest)后就可以进行模板匹配了(我假设你已经理解了模板匹配的概念)





在您了解整个过程后,您可以使用一些支持 Android 平台的可用库,例如​​高通的OpenCV(开源)或FastCV,它们都使用原生 C,因此您必须使用 android NDK 来编译它。


于 2012-11-05T07:14:19.997 回答