对于超过 2 个变量,您需要从多项分布中抽取样本,这只是对 n>2 的二项分布的推广。
无论您使用什么语言,都应该有内置函数来完成这项任务。下面是 Python 中的一些代码,它根据您的 hmm 模型对象模拟一组观察结果和状态:
import numpy as np
def random_MN_draw(n, probs):
""" get X random draws from the multinomial distribution whose probability is given by 'probs' """
mn_draw = np.random.multinomial(n,probs) # do 1 multinomial experiment with the given probs with probs= [0.5,0.5], this is a coin-flip
return np.where(mn_draw == 1)[0][0] # get the index of the state drawn e.g. 0, 1, etc.
def simulate(self, nSteps):
""" given an HMM = (A, B1, B2 pi), simulate state and observation sequences """
lenB= len(self.emission)
observations = np.zeros((lenB, nSteps), dtype=np.int) # array of zeros
states = np.zeros(nSteps)
states[0] = self.random_MN_draw(1, self.priors) # appoint the first state from the prior dist
for i in range(0,lenB): # initialise observations[i,0] for all observerd variables
observations[i,0] = self.random_MN_draw(1, self.emission[i][states[0],:]) #ith variable array, states[0]th row
for t in range(1,nSteps): # loop through t
states[t] = self.random_MN_draw(1, self.transition[states[t-1],:]) # given prev state (t-1) pick what row of the A matrix to use
for i in range(0,lenB): # loop through the observed variable for each t
observations[i,t] = self.random_MN_draw(1, self.emission[i][states[t],:]) # given current state t, pick what row of the B matrix to use
return observations,states