我正在尝试实现时间多路复用以驱动具有 4 位数字的 7 段显示器:该设备有 7 个数据腿和 4 个阳极,因此如果要显示四个不同的数字,则必须将阳极设置为0001
第一个,然后将数据腿到你的部分; 然后过了一会儿,将阳极设置为0010
我正在尝试在堪萨斯熔岩中实现这一点。但是,Xilinx 编译器以类型错误拒绝生成的 VHDL(并且查看生成的代码,我认为它是正确的)。
首先,我的 Lava 代码:它基本上实现了序列的信号[0, 1, 2, 3, 0, ...]
运算符 fromLanguage.KansasLava.Signal
来索引 matrix-of-matrices 参数。0001
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
import Language.KansasLava
import Hardware.KansasLava.Boards.Papilio.LogicStart -- from http://github.com/gergoerdi/kansas-lava-papilio
import Data.Sized.Matrix
import Data.Sized.Unsigned as Unsigned
import Data.Bits
driveSS :: forall clk sig n. (Clock clk, sig ~ Signal clk, Size n, Rep n, Num n, Integral n) => Matrix n (Matrix X7 (sig Bool)) -> SevenSeg clk ActiveLow n
driveSS segss = SevenSeg (fmap bitNot anodes) segs high
clkAnode :: sig Bool
clkAnode = divideClk (Witness :: Witness X8)
selector :: sig n
selector = counter clkAnode
segss' :: sig (Matrix n (Matrix X7 Bool))
segss' = pack . fmap pack $ segss
segs :: Matrix X7 (sig Bool)
segs = unpack $ segss' .!. selector
anodes :: Matrix n (sig Bool)
anodes = rotatorL clkAnode
test_sseg :: Fabric ()
test_sseg = do
sw <- switches
let sw' = cropAt sw 1
sseg $ driveSS $ matrix [sw', zero, zero, zero]
zero = matrix $ replicate 7 low
divideClk :: forall c sig ix. (Clock c, sig ~ Signal c, Size ix) => Witness ix -> sig Bool
divideClk _ = counter high .==. (0 :: sig (Unsigned ix))
counter :: (Rep a, Num a, Clock c, sig ~ Signal c) => sig Bool -> sig a
counter inc = loop
reg = register 0 loop
loop = mux inc (reg, reg + 1)
rotatorL :: (Clock c, sig ~ Signal c, Size ix, Integral ix) => sig Bool -> Matrix ix (sig Bool)
rotatorL step = fromUnsigned loop
reg = register 1 loop
loop = mux step (reg, rotateL reg 1)
fromUnsigned :: (sig ~ Signal c, Size ix) => sig (Unsigned ix) -> Matrix ix (sig Bool)
fromUnsigned = unpack . coerce Unsigned.toMatrix
main :: IO ()
main = do
writeVhdlPrelude "lava-prelude.vhdl"
kleg <- reifyFabric $ do
writeVhdlCircuit "hello" "hello.vhdl" kleg
writeUCF "hello.ucf" kleg
因此,当我尝试编译生成的 VHDL 时,我收到以下错误消息:
ERROR:HDLParsers:800 - "/home/cactus/prog/lava/hello/src/hello.vhdl" Line 85. Type of sig_24_o0 is incompatible with type of sig_28_o0.
type sig_24_o0_type is array (7 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal sig_24_o0 : sig_24_o0_type;
signal sig_25_o0 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
type sig_28_o0_type is array (3 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal sig_28_o0 : sig_28_o0_type;
sig_24_o0 <= sig_28_o0(to_integer(unsigned(sig_25_o0)));
似乎不对;我认为应该是array (6 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)
or std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
,但我不知道 Lava 使用那些std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)