Public Class ThisCantRaiseEvents
Private client As UdpClient
Public Sub New(ByVal client As UdpClient)
Me.client = client
Dim thread As New Thread(AddressOf DoWork)
thread.IsBackground = True
End Sub
Public Event PacketReceived As EventHandler
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DoWork(ByVal state As Object)
Dim client As UdpClient = DirectCast(state, UdpClient)
While True
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ThisWillLeak
Private client As UdpClient
Private mainThread As Control
Public Sub New(ByVal client As UdpClient, ByVal control As Control)
Me.client = client
Me.mainThread = control
Dim thread As New Thread(AddressOf DoWork)
thread.IsBackground = True
End Sub
Public Event PacketReceived As EventHandler
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub OnPacketReceived(ByVal e As EventArgs)
RaiseEvent PacketReceived(Me, e)
End Sub
' The worker thread has a pointer to ThisWillLeak
' and so it will live forever!
Private Sub DoWork(ByVal state As Object)
While True
mainThread.BeginInvoke(New Action(Of EventArgs) _
(AddressOf OnPacketReceived), EventArgs.Empty)
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
' 这是我第一次尝试解决上一个示例中的问题。唉,随着 DoWork 方法变得越来越复杂,它很快变得非常难看。
Public Class ThisIsVeryUgly
Private client As UdpClient
Private mainThread As Control
Public Sub New(ByVal client As UdpClient, ByVal control As Control)
Me.client = client
Me.mainThread = control
Dim thread As New Thread(AddressOf DoWork)
thread.IsBackground = True
thread.Start(New WeakReference(Me))
End Sub
Public Event PacketReceived As EventHandler
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub OnPacketReceived(ByVal e As EventArgs)
RaiseEvent PacketReceived(Me, e)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DoWork(ByVal state As Object)
Dim weakThis As WeakReference = DirectCast(state, WeakReference)
Dim this As ThisIsVeryUgly = DirectCast(weakThis.Target, ThisIsVeryUgly)
Dim client As UdpClient = this.client
this = Nothing
While True
this = DirectCast(weakThis.Target, ThisIsVeryUgly)
this.mainThread.BeginInvoke(New Action(Of EventArgs) _
(AddressOf this.OnPacketReceived), EventArgs.Empty)
this = Nothing
' Repeat for every other place we need to raise an event! Ugh!
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ThisIsAlmostGood
Private client As UdpClient
Private worker As WorkThread
Public Sub New(ByVal client As UdpClient, ByVal mainThread As Control)
Me.client = client
worker = New WorkThread(client, mainThread)
End Sub
Public Custom Event PacketReceived As EventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
AddHandler worker.PacketReceived
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
RemoveHandler worker.PacketReceived
End RemoveHandler
RaiseEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End RaiseEvent
End Event
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
End Sub
Private Class WorkThread
Private client As UdpClient
Private mainThread As Control
Public Sub New(ByVal client As UdpClient, ByVal mainThread As Control)
Me.client = client
Me.mainThread = mainThread
Dim thread As New Thread(AddressOf DoWork)
thread.IsBackground = True
End Sub
Public Event PacketReceived As EventHandler
Protected Overridable Sub OnPacketReceived(ByVal e As EventArgs)
' But the user expects a pointer to ThisIsAlmostGood,
' not WorkThread! Should I pass Nothing instead?
RaiseEvent PacketReceived(Me, e)
End Sub
Private Sub DoWork(ByVal state As Object)
While True
mainThread.BeginInvoke(New Action(Of EventArgs) _
(AddressOf OnPacketReceived), EventArgs.Empty)
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Class