我想构建一个功能,用户的当前位置将每 5 分钟发送到服务器。听起来不像 Apple 会喜欢的东西。虽然这将是一个内部应用程序(并且用户知道他们的位置已被使用),但规则是否不那么严格?有人有这方面的经验吗?



1 回答 1



在您的 PLIST 文件中启用后台定位服务要求,在您的应用描述中放置免责声明,说明在后台连续使用 GPS 会大大耗尽电池电量,然后让您的代码每 5 分钟上传一次 GPS 位置。


我在应用商店有一个应用程序,可以在用户开车时实时记录用户的路线,虽然它不会发送到服务器,但它会不断跟踪用户自己的位置,当用户完成后,他们可以停止 GPS追踪。




a) 跟踪用户的位置 b) 将用户的 GPS 坐标发送到服务器


可以通过两种方式跟踪用户的位置。您可以使用 CLLocationManager 来跟踪用户的位置,或者如果您想要快速而肮脏的方法,您可以使用 MKMapView 的委托方法:

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Example .m files implementation
// --------------------------------------------------------------
    myMapView.delegate = self;

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// this MapView delegate method gets called every time your 
// user location is updated, you can send your GPS location
// to your sever here
// --------------------------------------------------------------
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didUpdateUserLocation:(MKUserLocation *)userLocation
    // pseudo-code
    double latitude = userLocation.coordinate.latitude;
    double longitude = userLocation.coordinate.longitude;

    // you need to implement this method yourself
    [self sendGPSToServerWithLatitude:latitude AndLongitude:longitude];

// sends the GPS coordinate to your server
-(void)sendGPSToServerWithLatitude:(double)paramLatitude AndLongitude:(double)paramLongitude
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // There are other libraries you can use like
    // AFNetworking, but when I last tested AFNetworking
    // a few weeks ago, I had issues with it sending
    // email addresses or multiple word POST values
    // ------------------------------------------------------

    // here I am using ASIHttpRequest library and it's ASIFormDataRequest.h class
    // to make a POST value to a server. You need to build the server web service
    // part to receive the latitude and longitude
    NSURL *url = [NSURL urlWithString:@"http://www.youserver.com/api"];

    __block ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];
    [request setPostValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:paramLatitude] forKey:@"latitude"];
    [request setPostValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:paramLongitude] forKey:@"longitude"];
    [request setPostValue:userNameString forKey:@"username"];

    [request setCompletionBlock:^{
        NSDictionary *data = [request responseString];

        NSLog(@"Server response = %@", data);

    [request setFailedBlock:^{
        NSLog(@"Server error: %@", [[request error] localizedDescription]);

    [request startAsynchronous];

PHP 服务器端代码

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// This is an example server implementation using PHP and Symfony
// web framework.
// You don't have to use PHP and Symfony, you can use .NET C# too
// or any other server languages you like to build the web service
// --------------------------------------------------------------

class DefaultController

    // -------------------------------------
    // expects and latitude and longitude
    // coordinate pair from the client
    // either using POST or GET
    // -------------------------------------
    public function recordGPSLocationAction()
        // checks to see if the user accessing the
        // web service is authorized to do so
            return new Response('Not authorized');
        else // assume user is authorized from this point on
            // check to see if user has passed in latitude and longitude
            if(!isset($_REQUEST['latitude']) || !isset($_REQUEST['longitude']
            || !isset($_REQUEST['username'])
                throw $this->createNotFoundException('Username, Latitude or Longitude was not received');
                // write your latitude and longitude for the specified username to database here


                return new Response('User GPS location saved');
于 2012-11-01T12:57:34.613 回答