A client of ours want's to handle PayPal transactions via SagePay,
I've got the initial request working to set up the transaction and redirect off to PayPal via: https://test.sagepay.com/Simulator/VSPDirectGateway.asp
But this doesn't seem to work for "COMPLETE"-ing the transaction, in test mode you'd use:
or in production:
But how would I complete the request in the simulator? the first URL doesn't seem to work -
You have sent a TxType of COMPLETE which is not recognised.
Neither does https://test.sagepay.com/Simulator/VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorCompleteTx -
Server Simulator reqires a Service Name as part of it's URL. e.g. VSPServerGateway.asp?Service=VendorRegisterTx. This service tells Server which tasks to perform.