I want to know that when i run iphone application in the simulator..that means it is installing,...so is there any package generated while installing, I want to know the whole process behind installation of an iphone application.


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在 iOS 模拟器中从 Xcode 运行 iOS 应用程序时,将创建一个应用程序包并将其放置在此处(对于 iOS 5.1 模拟器):

~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/

.app包被放置在一个文件夹中(其名称是一个随机生成的标识符)。您可以右键单击.app包并选择“显示包内容”以查看捆绑的资源。包的结构与安装在设备上的非常相似,但二进制文件是为 i386(而不是 armvX)编译的,并且在模拟器中没有代码签名。

于 2012-10-30T09:59:14.327 回答