I have a UIWebView in a UIViewController. I am trying to push this view controller to an existing UINavigationController, that has another view controller which also has a UIWebView in it. After pushing the first view controller I try to simulate a memory warning, and then I hit "back" to go to the previous view controller, but now this webview is empty/blank. Any idea on how to go around this?

This is only happening on the iPad 1, running iOS 5.


1 回答 1


在 iOS 5.x 或更早版本内存不足的情况下,视图控制器的视图可能会被卸载。然后当它需要再次加载时,视图控制器viewDidLoad将在视图放回原位后被调用。确保您在处理这种情况下viewDidLoad做正确的事情。viewDidUnload

于 2012-10-28T07:10:34.047 回答