Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
Like this:
A <---B
1 <---2
2 <---5
3 <---24
单击一个按钮,我希望将 B 中的数字添加到 A,然后清除 B。A 列将变为 3、7、27,B 列中的单元格将变为空白。
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
Like this:
A <---B
1 <---2
2 <---5
3 <---24
单击一个按钮,我希望将 B 中的数字添加到 A,然后清除 B。A 列将变为 3、7、27,B 列中的单元格将变为空白。
function addRange() {
//replace 'Sheet1' with your actual sheet name
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var tRange = sheet.getRange('A1:A3');
var tValues = tRange.getValues();
var sRange = sheet.getRange('B1:B3');
var sValues = sRange.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < tValues.length; i++) {
tValues[i][0] += sValues[i][0];
您还可以在电子表格菜单中添加一个按钮,以使用此代码执行上述 AdmaL 的代码示例
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menubutton = [ {name: "Add Range", functionName: "addRange"}]; //"addRange" is the name of the function submitted by AdamL Above //This would also need to be included as a function in your script as the function to call when you click the "Custom" menu button
ss.addMenu("Custom", menubutton);