我很清楚对撞机,我正在使用 BoxColliders 和触发器来确定我的对象是否正在接触一个盒子,但我想检测我的对象的时刻(为了简单起见,我们可以假设它是球体,但稍后会是一个网格)完全在我的盒子触发器/对撞机内。
我读到了对撞机的“包含”方法,但 IIRC 他们只是检查该对撞机内是否有一个点,但我很想知道整个对象是否在对撞机内。
我很清楚对撞机,我正在使用 BoxColliders 和触发器来确定我的对象是否正在接触一个盒子,但我想检测我的对象的时刻(为了简单起见,我们可以假设它是球体,但稍后会是一个网格)完全在我的盒子触发器/对撞机内。
我读到了对撞机的“包含”方法,但 IIRC 他们只是检查该对撞机内是否有一个点,但我很想知道整个对象是否在对撞机内。
所有的盒子都有一个 boxCollider。如果一个物体接触到第二个盒子,则该物体必须在第一个盒子内。
Short answer: If you want 100% accuracy, your algorithm will never be better than O(|V|) (worst case) where V = {all vertices in mesh}, meaning you'd run .Collides() over every vertex and break if you find one that is outside your container.
Longer answer: Several methods exist to subdivide mesh surfaces, examples include: KD-Trees, OcTrees. These are beyond the scope of an SO answer to provide a full implementation, I suggest you see the wiki pages for details.
You could use these methods to divide your mesh up in to smaller sets of vertices. To speed up your algorithm you would start at the root of your subdivision tree and test if that node is contained in your container box. Keep working through the tree until you find a node that is not contained by your box. This will allow your "contains" test to fail faster but ultimately you'll wind up testing every vertex if your box contains your mesh.
Caveat: This solution does not work if your mesh is animated. In that case your best bet is to use the bounds around things like arms, feet, legs, etc and use that information to cull your Contains() tests. Again, you'll end up having to test every vertex if the mesh is fully inside your box.
上面的盒子解决方案中的盒子是一个不错的选择,但如果这不起作用(由于可变大小/形状的对象),您也许可以使用Physics.Raycast或 Collider.Raycast 完成某些事情。我有一个类似的问题,我需要测试碰撞器中是否包含任意点(其中许多是不寻常的斑点凹形物体)。
public static class CollisionUtils {
private static readonly Vector3[] raycastDirections;
// These are the directions that we shoot rays from to check the collider.
static UltrasoundCollisionUtils() {
raycastDirections = new Vector3[5];
raycastDirections[0] = new Vector3(0,1,0);
raycastDirections[1] = new Vector3(0,-1,-0);
raycastDirections[2] = new Vector3(0,0,1);
raycastDirections[3] = new Vector3(-1.41f, 0, -0.5f);
raycastDirections[4] = new Vector3(1.41f, 0, -0.5f);
public static bool IsContained (Vector3 targetPoint, Collider collider) {
// A quick check - if the bounds doesn't contain targetPoint, then it definitely can't be contained in the collider
if (!collider.bounds.Contains(targetPoint)) {
return false;
// The "100f * direction" is a magic number so that we
// start far enough from the point.
foreach (Vector3 direction in raycastDirections) {
Ray ray = new Ray(targetPoint - 100f * direction, direction);
RaycastHit dummyHit = new RaycastHit();
// dummyHit because collider.Raycast requires a RaycastHit
if (!collider.Raycast(ray, out dummyHit, 100f)) {
return false;
return true;
您可以调整此算法的一种方法是,而不是使用 Collider.Raycast,而是执行 Physics.Raycast。如果射线击中对撞机以外的任何物体,那么您就知道目标对象并不完全在对撞机中。
盒子的 ax,y,z 值代表它在空间中的位置。
因此,当您拖动游戏对象时,它可能在 x、y 或 z 上距离框的中心仅 0.2。所以只需使用此方法来计算拖动对象与框之间的距离。
var other :Transform;
function Update()
var dist = Vector3.Distance(other.position, transform.position);
// while dragging
if(dist <10)// 10 being on all 3 axiz .
//dragged object.position = box position
if (dist == 0)
print("i am in the centre of the box");
添加一个围绕您正在测试的整个对象的 BoxCollider,并检查其边界 min 和 max 是否包含在 BoxCollider 的输入范围内......这可能不适合复杂的网格对象,但您可能能够摆脱它并且它便宜