I have a company website (asp.net/vb) in 10 different languages, although 97% of the users view it in English. I've been reading more and more about microdata and rich snippets, but I'm still confused about how to incorporate them into my website. I've read Google Webmaster Tools, but I'm still confounded.

Where do the itemtype and itemprop span tags go? I have 5 master pages. Should I just put them in there, or would I have to create unique rich snippeets in each of the 47 pages my website has? The main key phrase I want throughout search results is "machine vision".

For instance, the first couple sentences on my "about.aspx" page are:

USS Vision Inc. (USS) is a privately-owned company with headquarters in Detroit, 
Michigan, USA. We design, engineer, produce, and integrate special machine vision 
error-proofing products and services that create lean factories by improving the 
quality of manufactured products, and by significantly reducing manufacturing costs 
through advanced automation.

Should I put rich snippets in there, or can I just use the about.aspx master page, which covers about 8 other pages? How would I do this? Should I use the itemprop="url" for every link in my website? Any guidance in this regard to help improve my SEO and SERPS would be greatly appreciated!


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