好吧,我为瓶子写了自己的 mod_rewrite。
(基于今天创建的分叉,2012 年 10 月 29 日)
在 class Bottle(object):
@Lines 754ff 中,增加了一项:
def _handle(self, environ):
environ['bottle.app'] = self
+ url_rewrite.apply(environ) #Added mod_rewrite
route, args = self.router.match(environ)
environ['route.handle'] = route
environ['bottle.route'] = route
environ['route.url_args'] = args
return route.call(**args)
# Nippey #### 29.10.2012 #### mod_rewrite #####################################
# This modification to bottly.py allows the application of rewrite rules to
# requests _before_ they are processed by the routing system
class UrlRewriteException(BottleException):
""" This is a base class for all rewrite related exceptions """
class UrlRewrite():
""" This class processes every URL before is is passed to the routing system
In case one of the included rewrite rules matches the URL, the URL will be modified.
New rules can be added via the .addRule(str, str, bool) method.
For each requested URL, the method apply will be called with the environ variable as parameter.
def __init__(self):
""" Initiates the rules variable """
print("UrlRewrite init.")
self.rules = []
def addRule(self, match, replace, final=False):
""" Add a new rule.
match: Regular expression to search for. Can be a string or a compiled regular expression
replace: Replacement string. May use backreferences.
final: If a rule with <final=True> matches the URL, the evaluation will be stopped afterwards
print("UrlRewrite addRule.")
if type(match) is not str and type(replace) is not str:
raise UrlRewriteException
pattern = re.compile(match)
self.rules.append({'pattern':pattern, 'repl':replace, 'final':bool(final)})
def apply(self, environ):
""" Test a URL for a match of one of the saved rules and rewrite it if required
environ: Environmental variable created by bottle on each request. Contains the PATH_INFO
information, modification will happen with the reference to this variable.
returns: Returns true if a rewrite has been executed. Not used by the main program (yet)
Original path will still be available as PATH_INFO_ORIGINAL in the environ variable
print("UrlRewrite apply.")
rewritten = False
url = environ['PATH_INFO']
for rule in self.rules: #Try to alppy each of the rules
(url, noSubs) = rule['pattern'].subn(rule['repl'], url)
if noSubs > 0:
rewritten = True
if rule['final']:
if rewritten:
environ['PATH_INFO_ORIGINAL'] = environ['PATH_INFO']
environ['PATH_INFO'] = url
return True
return False
#Backreferences may be used by the replacement string
from bottle import url_rewrite
url_rewrite.addRule("^/he(l*)o", r"/by\1e", False)
#Input: "/hello/test_hello"
#Output: "/bye/test_hello"
#All matching occurences will be replaced
from bottle import url_rewrite
url_rewrite.addRule("hello", "bye", False)
#Input: "/hello/test_hello"
#Output: "/bye/test_bye"
#Rules will be applied in successive order
from bottle import url_rewrite
url_rewrite.addRule("hello", "hi", False)
url_rewrite.addRule("hi", "bye", False)
#Input: "/hello/test_hello"
#Output: "/bye/test_bye"
#Rules won't be re-applied from the start if one rule matches
from bottle import url_rewrite
url_rewrite.addRule("hi", "bye", False)
url_rewrite.addRule("hello", "hi", False)
#Input: "/hello/test_hello"
#Output: "/hi/test_hi"
#After applying a rule with <final> set to True, the evaluation will be finished
from bottle import url_rewrite
url_rewrite.addRule("hello", "hi", True)
url_rewrite.addRule("hi", "bye", False)
#Input: "/hello/test_hello"
#Output: "/hi/test_hi"
# END class UrlRewrite
url_rewrite = UrlRewrite()
# END ## mod_rewrite ## Nippey