My Jquery works fine in-line however when I try and make it external it doesn't seem to work. I have both scripts stored in the: include('./includes/header.html'); And I also have them stored at the root of the folder.

If any one could help would be great.

I have two links held within the header.html

 <!DOCTYPE html>
   <title> <?php $page_title ?> </title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">

<script src="formValidation.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>

<div id="wrapper">

    <div id="header">


    <div id="content">

        <div id="nav">

                <li><a href="login.php">Login</a></li>
                <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
                <li><a href="register.php">Register</a></li>
                <li><a href="film.php">Film</a></li>
                <li><a href="add_film.php">Add a Film</a></li>



When going to add_film.php the Jquery that would normally slide down my form, now it doesn't slide down.



echo "<h1>Add A film</h1>";


$errors = array(); // Initialize erroy array.

// Check for title.
if (empty($_POST['movie_title'])){
    $errors[] = "You forgot to enter a title.";
} else {
    $mn = (trim($_POST['movie_title']));
// Check for leading actor
if (empty($_POST['leading_actor'])){
    $errors[] = "You forgot to enter the leading actor.";
} else {
    $la = (trim($_POST['leading_actor']));
// Check for a rating
if (empty($_POST['rating'])){
    $errors[] = "Please select a rating.";
} else {
    $rating = ($_POST['rating']);
// Check for a review
if (empty($_POST['review'])){
    $errors[] = "Please write a review";
} else {
    $review = (trim($_POST['review']));

if (empty($errors)) { // If no errors were found.


    // Make the insert query.
    $query = "INSERT INTO films (movie_title, actor, rating)
    Values ('$mn', '$la', '$rating' )";

    $result = mysql_query($query);

    $id = mysql_insert_id();

    $query = "INSERT INTO reviewed (review, movie_id)
    values ('$review', '$id')";

    $result = mysql_query($query);

    //Report errors.
} else {
    foreach ($errors as $msg){
        echo " - $msg <br/> ";




<form action="add_film.php" method="post" id="add_film">


    <label for="title">Movie Title</label>
    <input type="text" name="movie_title" id="movie_title" />


    <label for="actor">Leading Actor</label>
    <input type="text" name="leading_actor" id="leading_name" />


    <label for="rating">Rating</label>
    <select id="rating" name="rating"/>
        <option selected="selected" value=0 disabled="disabled">Select a                     Rating</option>
        <option value="Terrible">Terrible</option>
        <option value="Fair">Fair</option>
        <option value="Ok">Ok</option>
        <option value="Good">Good</option>
        <option value="Excellent">Excellent</option>


    <label for="review">Your Review</label>
    <textarea name="review" id="review" rows="15" cols="60"></textarea>


    <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="submit" />
    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />






Here is my Jquery.



    // Focus on first form field.

    $('#add_film').submit(function (e) {

    var error = false;

    // No value for movie_title
    if ($('#movie_title').val() == "") {
        alert("No Film");
        error = true;

    // No Value for actor
    if ($('#leading_name').val() == "") {
        alert("No actor");
        error = true;

    // No value for rating
    if ($('#rating').val() == null) {
        alert("No Rating");
        error = true;

    //No value for review
    if ($('#review').val() == "") {
        alert("No review");
        error = true;

    if (error) {

2 回答 2



<script src="jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="formValidation.js"></script>
于 2013-09-25T19:14:47.360 回答

加载脚本的顺序很重要。由于您的脚本使用 jquery,因此需要在脚本之前加载 jquery。所以改变加载顺序。首先加载 jquery,然后是你的脚本。


于 2013-09-25T19:51:32.647 回答