我需要编写代码以在同一内部域内的最近联系人视图中查找重复条目。我不会接触外部互联网联系人。是否有任何特殊的属性或方法(在 Lotus 脚本中?)将所有视图条目与服务器 nab 进行比较是个好主意?谁能建议我最好的方法来做到这一点?


2 回答 2





Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim uniquedocs List As Variant
Dim duplicates As string
Dim key As String

Set view = session.Currentdatabase.Getview("(Recent Contacts)")
Set doc = view.Getfirstdocument()
While Not doc Is Nothing
    ' this is the unique key, please change it if you need
    key = doc.Getitemvalue("MailDomain")(0)

    If key <> "" Then
        If Not IsElement(uniquedocs(key)) Then
            Set uniquedocs(key) = doc
            If duplicates <> "" Then duplicates = duplicates & " | "
            duplicates = duplicates & key
        End If
    End If

    Set doc = view.Getnextdocument(doc)

MsgBox duplicates

重复 - 是一个字符串,其中包含至少有 2 个联系人的所有邮件域(最近的联系人)

于 2012-10-26T07:14:37.393 回答
Sub Initialize
On Error GoTo errHandler

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim currdb As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim view1 As NotesView
Dim vc As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim namesentry As NotesViewEntry
Dim serdoc As NotesDocument
Dim localdoc As NotesDocument
Dim item As NotesItem

Dim dname As String
Dim serverfullName() As String
Dim localfulName As String
Dim formula As String
Dim result As Variant
Dim count As Integer 

'Getting all the documents from servers NAB ,put that in document collection
Set db=session.GetDatabase("Myserver","names.nsf")
Set view=db.GetView("People")
Set vc = view.AllEntries
Set namesentry = vc.Getfirstentry()
ReDim Serverfullname(CInt(vc.Count))
count = 0

'storing fullnames in array
While Not namesentry Is Nothing

    Set serdoc = namesentry.Document
    serverfullName(count) = serdoc.Getitemvalue("FullName")(0)
    Set namesentry = vc.Getnextentry(namesentry)
    count = count + 1
'keeping the string format for Comparison   
Dim x As String
Dim iteration As Integer
x = ""
iteration = 0
ForAll i In Serverfullname
    iteration = iteration + 1
    If i ="" Then
    ElseIf count = iteration Then   
        x = x + |"| + i + |"|
        x = x + |"| + i + |"| + ":"
    End If
End ForAll
'MsgBox x 'Displaying servers fullname list

'Geetting local NAB contacts
Set currdb= session.CurrentDatabase
Dim selFormula As String
'creating New view to filter documents with same domain
selFormula= {SELECT @UpperCase($AutoCreatedList)  = "DIP" & @LowerCase(MailDomain)=@LowerCase("mydomain")}
Call currdb.Createview("RecentView",selFormula)
Set view1 = currdb.GetView("RecentView")
Set localdoc = view1.GetFirstDocument

While Not localdoc Is Nothing 

    localfulName = localdoc.Getitemvalue("FullName")(0)
    Dim indexresult As Variant
    Dim Formula1 As String

    Formula1 = |@Contains(| & x & |;"| + Localfulname + |")|
    'MsgBox Formula1
    indexresult = Evaluate(Formula1)
    If indexresult(0)= 0 Then

        MsgBox " Duplicate entry " & localfulname & "."
        'Call localdoc.Remove(true)
    End If

    Set localdoc = view1.Getnextdocument(localdoc)
Exit sub

errHandler: MsgBox Error() & " " & Erl() Exit sub End Sub

于 2012-10-26T10:18:13.297 回答