我需要计算 python 脚本中大量数据的二项式置信区间。你知道任何可以做到这一点的python函数或库吗?

理想情况下,我希望在 python 上实现类似http://statpages.org/confint.html的功能。



8 回答 8



于 2014-08-08T05:06:22.730 回答


def binP(N, p, x1, x2):
    p = float(p)
    q = p/(1-p)
    k = 0.0
    v = 1.0
    s = 0.0
    tot = 0.0

            tot += v
            if(k >= x1 and k <= x2):
                    s += v
            if(tot > 10**30):
                    s = s/10**30
                    tot = tot/10**30
                    v = v/10**30
            k += 1
            v = v*q*(N+1-k)/k
    return s/tot

def calcBin(vx, vN, vCL = 95):
    Calculate the exact confidence interval for a binomial proportion

    >>> calcBin(13,100)    
    (0.07107391357421874, 0.21204372406005856)
    >>> calcBin(4,7)   
    (0.18405151367187494, 0.9010086059570312)
    vx = float(vx)
    vN = float(vN)
    #Set the confidence bounds
    vTU = (100 - float(vCL))/2
    vTL = vTU

    vP = vx/vN
            dl = 0.0
            v = vP/2
            vsL = 0
            vsH = vP
            p = vTL/100

            while((vsH-vsL) > 10**-5):
                    if(binP(vN, v, vx, vN) > p):
                            vsH = v
                            v = (vsL+v)/2
                            vsL = v
                            v = (v+vsH)/2
            dl = v

            ul = 1.0
            v = (1+vP)/2
            vsL =vP
            vsH = 1
            p = vTU/100
            while((vsH-vsL) > 10**-5):
                    if(binP(vN, v, 0, vx) < p):
                            vsH = v
                            v = (vsL+v)/2
                            vsL = v
                            v = (v+vsH)/2
            ul = v
    return (dl, ul)
于 2012-10-25T04:15:26.027 回答

虽然 scipy.stats 模块有一种.interval()计算等尾置信度的方法,但它缺乏计算最高密度区间的类似方法。这是使用 scipy 和 numpy 中找到的方法的粗略方法。

此解决方案还假设您想先使用 Beta 发行版。超参数ab设置为 1,因此默认先验是 0 和 1 之间的均匀分布。

import numpy
from scipy.stats import beta
from scipy.stats import norm

def binomial_hpdr(n, N, pct, a=1, b=1, n_pbins=1e3):
    Function computes the posterior mode along with the upper and lower bounds of the
    **Highest Posterior Density Region**.

    n: number of successes 
    N: sample size 
    pct: the size of the confidence interval (between 0 and 1)
    a: the alpha hyper-parameter for the Beta distribution used as a prior (Default=1)
    b: the beta hyper-parameter for the Beta distribution used as a prior (Default=1)
    n_pbins: the number of bins to segment the p_range into (Default=1e3)

    A tuple that contains the mode as well as the lower and upper bounds of the interval
    (mode, lower, upper)

    # fixed random variable object for posterior Beta distribution
    rv = beta(n+a, N-n+b)
    # determine the mode and standard deviation of the posterior
    stdev = rv.stats('v')**0.5
    mode = (n+a-1.)/(N+a+b-2.)
    # compute the number of sigma that corresponds to this confidence
    # this is used to set the rough range of possible success probabilities
    n_sigma = numpy.ceil(norm.ppf( (1+pct)/2. ))+1
    # set the min and max values for success probability 
    max_p = mode + n_sigma * stdev
    if max_p > 1:
        max_p = 1.
    min_p = mode - n_sigma * stdev
    if min_p > 1:
        min_p = 1.
    # make the range of success probabilities
    p_range = numpy.linspace(min_p, max_p, n_pbins+1)
    # construct the probability mass function over the given range
    if mode > 0.5:
        sf = rv.sf(p_range)
        pmf = sf[:-1] - sf[1:]
        cdf = rv.cdf(p_range)
        pmf = cdf[1:] - cdf[:-1]
    # find the upper and lower bounds of the interval 
    sorted_idxs = numpy.argsort( pmf )[::-1]
    cumsum = numpy.cumsum( numpy.sort(pmf)[::-1] )
    j = numpy.argmin( numpy.abs(cumsum - pct) )
    upper = p_range[ (sorted_idxs[:j+1]).max()+1 ]
    lower = p_range[ (sorted_idxs[:j+1]).min() ]    

    return (mode, lower, upper)
于 2013-10-10T00:45:27.677 回答

我自己一直在尝试这个。如果它有帮助,这是我的解决方案,它需要两行代码,并且似乎为该 JS 页面提供了等效的结果。这是常客单边区间,我将输入参数称为二项式参数 theta 的 MLE(最大似然估计)。即 mle = 成功次数/试验次数。我找到了单边区间的上限。因此这里使用的 alpha 值是 JS 页面中上限的两倍。

from scipy.stats import binom
from scipy.optimize import bisect

def binomial_ci( mle, N, alpha=0.05 ):
    One sided confidence interval for a binomial test.

    If after N trials we obtain mle as the proportion of those
    trials that resulted in success, find c such that

    P(k/N < mle; theta = c) = alpha

    where k/N is the proportion of successes in the set of trials,
    and theta is the success probability for each trial. 

    to_minimise = lambda c: binom.cdf(mle*N,N,c)-alpha
    return bisect(to_minimise,0,1)

要找到两侧区间,请使用 (1-alpha/2) 和 alpha/2 作为参数调用。

于 2014-06-13T14:44:46.183 回答

我也需要这样做。我正在使用 R 并想学习一种方法来为自己解决这个问题。我不会说它是严格的pythonic。

文档字符串解释了大部分内容。它假设你已经安装了 scipy。

def exact_CI(x, N, alpha=0.95):
    Calculate the exact confidence interval of a proportion 
    where there is a wide range in the sample size or the proportion.

    This method avoids the assumption that data are normally distributed. The sample size
    and proportion are desctibed by a beta distribution.


    x: the number of cases from which the proportion is calulated as a positive integer.

    N: the sample size as a positive integer.

    alpha : set at 0.95 for 95% confidence intervals.

    The proportion with the lower and upper confidence intervals as a dict.

    from scipy.stats import beta
    x = float(x)
    N = float(N)
    p = round((x/N)*100,2)

    intervals = [round(i,4)*100 for i in beta.interval(alpha,x,N-x+1)]

    result = {'Proportion': intervals[0], 'Lower CI': intervals[1], 'Upper CI': intervals[2]}

    return result
于 2013-04-21T00:00:21.770 回答

一种使用威尔逊分数和对正常累积密度函数的近似值来计算相同事​​物的无 numpy/scipy 方法,

import math

def binconf(p, n, c=0.95):
  Calculate binomial confidence interval based on the number of positive and
  negative events observed.

  p: int
      number of positive events observed
  n: int
      number of negative events observed
  c : optional, [0,1]
      confidence percentage. e.g. 0.95 means 95% confident the probability of
      success lies between the 2 returned values

  theta_low  : float
      lower bound on confidence interval
  theta_high : float
      upper bound on confidence interval
  p, n = float(p), float(n)
  N    = p + n

  if N == 0.0: return (0.0, 1.0)

  p = p / N
  z = normcdfi(1 - 0.5 * (1-c))

  a1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + z * z / N)
  a2 = p + z * z / (2 * N)
  a3 = z * math.sqrt(p * (1-p) / N + z * z / (4 * N * N))

  return (a1 * (a2 - a3), a1 * (a2 + a3))

def erfi(x):
  """Approximation to inverse error function"""
  a  = 0.147  # MAGIC!!!
  a1 = math.log(1 - x * x)
  a2 = (
    2.0 / (math.pi * a)
    + a1 / 2.0

  return (
    sign(x) *
    math.sqrt( math.sqrt(a2 * a2 - a1 / a) - a2 )

def sign(x):
  if x  < 0: return -1
  if x == 0: return  0
  if x  > 0: return  1

def normcdfi(p, mu=0.0, sigma2=1.0):
  """Inverse CDF of normal distribution"""
  if mu == 0.0 and sigma2 == 1.0:
    return math.sqrt(2) * erfi(2 * p - 1)
    return mu + math.sqrt(sigma2) * normcdfi(p)
于 2014-06-03T19:54:19.673 回答

下面以简单的方式给出了二项分布的精确 (Clopper-Pearson) 区间。

def binomial_ci(x, n, alpha=0.05):
    #x is number of successes, n is number of trials
    from scipy import stats
    if x==0:
        c1 = 0
        c1 = stats.beta.interval(1-alpha, x,n-x+1)[0]
    if x==n:
        c2 = stats.beta.interval(1-alpha, x+1,n-x)[1]
    return c1, c2


p1,p2 = binomial_ci(2,7)
from scipy import stats
assert abs(stats.binom.cdf(1,7,p1)-.975)<1E-5
assert abs(stats.binom.cdf(2,7,p2)-.025)<1E-5
assert abs(binomial_ci(0,7, alpha=.1)[0])<1E-5
assert abs((1-binomial_ci(0,7, alpha=.1)[1])**7-0.05)<1E-5
assert abs(binomial_ci(7,7, alpha=.1)[1]-1)<1E-5
assert abs((binomial_ci(7,7, alpha=.1)[0])**7-0.05)<1E-5

我使用了二项式比例置信区间和正则化不完全 beta 函数之间的关系,如下所述: https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_proportion_confidence_interval#Clopper%E2%80%93Pearson_interval

于 2021-01-24T17:01:55.920 回答

Astropy 提供了这样一个功能(虽然安装和导入 astropy 可能有点过分): astropy.stats.binom_conf_interval

于 2019-07-05T08:49:10.283 回答