我试图在单个查询中获取一组固定的行,以及子查询找到的其他一些行。我的问题是我的 SQLAlchemy 代码生成的查询不正确。


SELECT tbl.id AS tbl_id
FROM tbl
WHERE tbl.id IN
SELECT t2.id AS t2_id
FROM tbl AS t2, tbl AS t1
WHERE t2.id =
SELECT t3.id AS t3_id
FROM tbl AS t3, tbl AS t1
WHERE t3.id < t1.id ORDER BY t3.id DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0
AND t1.id IN (4, 8)
OR tbl.id IN (0, 8)

而正确的查询不应该有第二个tbl AS t1(此查询的目标是选择 ID 0 和 8,以及刚好在 4 和 8 之前的 ID)。

不幸的是,我找不到如何让 SQLAlchemy 生成正确的(见下面的代码)。



from sqlalchemy import create_engine, or_
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
meta = MetaData(bind=engine)
table = Table('tbl', meta, Column('id', Integer))
session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

# Insert IDs 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.
i = table.insert()
i.execute(*[dict(id=i) for i in range(0, 10, 2)])
print session.query(table).all()
# output: [(0,), (2,), (4,), (6,), (8,)]

# Subquery of interest: look for the row just before IDs 4 and 8.
sub_query_txt = (
        'SELECT t2.id '
        'FROM tbl t1, tbl t2 '
        'WHERE t2.id = ( '
        ' SELECT t3.id from tbl t3 '
        ' WHERE t3.id < t1.id '
        ' ORDER BY t3.id DESC '
        ' LIMIT 1) '
        'AND t1.id IN (4, 8)')
print session.execute(sub_query_txt).fetchall()
# output: [(2,), (6,)]

# Full query of interest: get the rows mentioned above, as well as more rows.
query_txt = (
        'SELECT * '
        'FROM tbl '
        'WHERE ( '
        ' id IN (%s) '
        'OR id IN (0, 8))'
        ) % sub_query_txt
print session.execute(query_txt).fetchall()
# output: [(0,), (2,), (6,), (8,)]

# Attempt at an SQLAlchemy translation (from innermost sub-query to full query).
t1 = table.alias('t1')
t2 = table.alias('t2')
t3 = table.alias('t3')
q1 = session.query(t3.c.id).filter(t3.c.id < t1.c.id).order_by(t3.c.id.desc()).\
q2 = session.query(t2.c.id).filter(t2.c.id == q1, t1.c.id.in_([4, 8]))
q3 = session.query(table).filter(
                               or_(table.c.id.in_(q2), table.c.id.in_([0, 8])))
print list(q3)
# output: [(0,), (6,), (8,)]

3 回答 3


您缺少的是最里面的子查询和下一级之间的相关性;如果没有相关性,SQLAlchemy 将t1在最里面的子查询中包含别名:

>>> print str(q1)
SELECT t3.id AS t3_id 
FROM tbl AS t3, tbl AS t1 
WHERE t3.id < t1.id ORDER BY t3.id DESC
>>> print str(q1.correlate(t1))
SELECT t3.id AS t3_id 
FROM tbl AS t3 
WHERE t3.id < t1.id ORDER BY t3.id DESC

请注意,tbl AS t1现在查询中缺少。从.correlate()方法文档

返回一个 Query 构造,它将给定的 FROM 子句与封闭 Query 或 select() 的子句相关联。



>>> q1 = session.query(t3.c.id).filter(t3.c.id < t1.c.id).order_by(t3.c.id.desc()).\
...              limit(1).correlate(t1)
>>> q2 = session.query(t2.c.id).filter(t2.c.id == q1, t1.c.id.in_([4, 8]))
>>> q3 = session.query(table).filter(
...                                or_(table.c.id.in_(q2), table.c.id.in_([0, 8])))
>>> print list(q3)
2012-10-24 22:16:22,239 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT tbl.id AS tbl_id 
FROM tbl 
WHERE tbl.id IN (SELECT t2.id AS t2_id 
FROM tbl AS t2, tbl AS t1 
WHERE t2.id = (SELECT t3.id AS t3_id 
FROM tbl AS t3 
WHERE t3.id < t1.id ORDER BY t3.id DESC
 LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) AND t1.id IN (?, ?)) OR tbl.id IN (?, ?)
2012-10-24 22:16:22,239 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine (1, 0, 4, 8, 0, 8)
[(0,), (2,), (6,), (8,)]
于 2012-10-24T20:16:48.420 回答


此查询的目标是选择 ID 0 和 8,以及 4 和 8 之前的 ID。

看起来您想查询两种事物,然后将它们组合起来。正确的运算符是union. 做简单的查询,最后把它们加起来。我将从第二位开始,“X 之前的 ID”。

开始;让我们看看在某个给定值之前的所有 id。为此,我们将使用以下方法将表连接起来<

# select t1.id t1_id, t2.id t2_id from tbl t1 join tbl t2 on t1.id < t2.id;
 t1_id | t2_id 
     0 |     2
     0 |     4
     0 |     6
     0 |     8
     2 |     4
     2 |     6
     2 |     8
     4 |     6
     4 |     8
     6 |     8
(10 rows)

这无疑为我们提供了左侧小于右侧的所有行对。在所有这些中,我们希望给定 t2_id 的行尽可能高;我们将按 t2_id 分组并选择最大的 t1_id

# select max(t1.id), t2.id from tbl t1 join tbl t2 on t1.id < t2.id group by t2.id;
 max | id 
   0 |     2
   2 |     4
   4 |     6
   6 |     8
(4 rows)

使用 a 的查询limit可以实现此目的,但当存在替代方法时避免使用此技术通常是一个好主意,因为分区在数据库实现之间没有良好的可移植支持。Sqlite 可以使用这种技术,但 postgresql 不喜欢它,它使用一种称为“分析查询”的技术(既标准化又更通用)。MySQL 两者都做不到。但是,上面的查询在所有 sql 数据库引擎中都可以一致地工作。

剩下的工作只是使用in或其他等效的过滤查询,在 sqlalchemy 中不难表达。样板...

>>> import sqlalchemy as sa
>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
>>> engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
>>> meta = sa.MetaData(bind=engine)
>>> table = sa.Table('tbl', meta, sa.Column('id', sa.Integer))
>>> meta.create_all()

>>> table.insert().execute([{'id':i} for i in range(0, 10, 2)])

>>> t1 = table.alias()
>>> t2 = table.alias()

>>> before_filter = [4, 8]


>>> c1 = sa.func.max(t1.c.id).label('max_id')
>>> #                                ^^^^^^


>>> q1 = Query([c1, t2.c.id]) \
...      .join((t2, t1.c.id < t2.c.id)) \
...      .group_by(t2.c.id) \
...      .filter(t2.c.id.in_(before_filter))


>>> q2 = Query(q1.subquery().c.max_id)
>>> #                          ^^^^^^


>>> t3 = table.alias()
>>> exact_filter = [0, 8]
>>> q3 = Query(t3).filter(t3.c.id.in_(exact_filter))


>>> q4 = q2.union(q3)
>>> engine.execute(q4.statement).fetchall()
[(0,), (2,), (6,), (8,)]
于 2012-10-24T20:45:19.277 回答


# ...
subquery = subquery.correlate(OuterCorrelationTable).subquery()
filter_query = db.session.query(func.sum(subquery.c.some_count_column))
filter = filter_query.as_scalar() == as_many_as_some_param
# ...
final_query = db.session.query(OuterCorrelationTable).filter(filter)
于 2020-02-17T10:51:39.543 回答