我们的企业正在寻求自动化 Dynamics CRM 托管。我们一直在研究选项。目前,HMC/MPS 似乎很有用。然而,从它的外观来看,这些框架已经接近生命的尽头,而且也是。HMC/MPS 似乎也基于交换。使用 HMC/MPS 来配置 CRM 是否有意义,或者是否有其他框架。直接与 Active Directory 和 CRM 部署服务 API 交谈会更好吗?


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I work for EMS-Cortex and this is what we do. Please have a look at our website www.ems-cortex.com and if you are interested get in touch.

Please remember HMC/MPS has been cancelled, and if you invest in it now you are investing in technology which will have disappeared in about 12 months.

Kind Regards

Daniel Thurston

于 2009-08-26T03:57:11.673 回答